ever cross buff orpington and jersey giants?


8 Years
Apr 12, 2011
Portland, OR
I was thinking of breeding some chickens but I wasn't sure which breed I wanted to do. Does anyone have any pictures of a buff orpington/jersey giant cross? I would be real curious to see what type of chicken that produced.
I'm not directly crossing those two breeds, but I am crossing a BR x BO rooster with a Jersey Giant hen this year... as soon as we get them hatched I will post pics
WIll it look like a Reese's Peanut BUtter cup????

Love my young BO pullets--may consider the Jersey black cross!
I may have a buff Jersey giant chick.
It is a gorgeous buff color, and twice the size of all the other chicks, so we call her GI-NORMASAUR
( or Eleanor to my daughter). She makes our little silver bantam look puny! All the chicks are only 3 weeks old, and starting to feather........so cute when they try to fly!
I have a friend in north GA who crossed a Black Jersey hen with a BO rooster. I saw the results at 9 months and on of the rosters looked like a giant New Hampshire. Very nice looking, very big and very docile. Because of those birds, I now have six Jerseys to breed.
did you ever figure out the jg and bo cross?
I have three jerseys that are starting to lay soon and four buff baby chicks that I haven't determined their sex yet...
was hoping to find some pics!
I was thinking of breeding some chickens but I wasn't sure which breed I wanted to do.  Does anyone have any pictures of a buff orpington/jersey giant cross?  I would be real curious to see what type of chicken that produced.

I did. These are from a pen of Jersey and Buff hens with Jersey and Buff roos. Coming on 4 wks old. Some look buff, one little roo is all jersey. Some have amazing lacing. I'm really impressed with the lacing being reversed on diff ones.
I was thinking of breeding some chickens but I wasn't sure which breed I wanted to do. Does anyone have any pictures of a buff orpington/jersey giant cross? I would be real curious to see what type of chicken that produced.
I had a Jersey Giant rooster and 12 BO hens. From that I got 1 rooster and 1 hen hatched naturally by a BO hen. I have another that I incubated, I thought she was a hen but now I think she's decided to be a roo! The one in the foreground is a Bard Rock mix I bought as a chick hoping for a hen, got 2 roosters and 1 hen. The big guy is my JG & BO rooster, next to him is his sister she's all black like like her father. He's really nice and you can see gorgeous!


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