Ever eat chili dogs at 0400am?

Oh you'd like my breakfast. After I had the chili dogs, I had a few chocolate chip cookies and some hershey kisses too... LOL

Sweets in the morning make me queasy......except for my morning Pepsi!! Gotta have that!
i work night shift and yes i've eaten a bunch of chili dogs at that time, i don't use immodium it binds you up, just let nature take it's course, i guess you wouldn't call a chili dog natural
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Now you know why I always packed my own food for work! Even the chili dogs.

I bought a hot dog from a 7-Eleven one day, for lunch at work- 2 hours later, co-workers called 911 because I was so sick. At least you know where to get help.

Hope it "passes" soon, and you feel better!
Oh this is so funny and brings back fond memories of all nighters, where we ate and drank probably any and every imaginable food and or drink. Best memories are the ones on the houseboat and cruising the delta hitting the all night bars.

Now we prefer are wter sking during daylight hours, cruising after dark on the sailboat.

But thnks for the walk down memory lane.
You are just asking for an explosion at work

I must admit Chili Dogs are so yummy with lots of cheese, onions and sour cream
I guess so... since I just had two more... LOL

And HUGE chocolate chip cookie I found stashed. Someone was hiding it.... they should have hid it better! LOL Now it will never be found! LOL LOL LOL
Well if I ever have a chili dog I'll try to remember that..

Can I safely admit that I've never had a chili dog?

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