Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?

Ok, I need to vent and it's pretty depressing, so feel free to skip over this post if you don't feel like being brought down.

Let me just say that none of these things happened to ME (thank God), but I don't know how much more bad news I can take.

First of all, last Friday, my neighbor (that my husband has worked with for the past year and a half) lost his 3-month-old grandson to SIDs. Then, on Tuesday, the neighbor across from us lost his 22-year-old son in a car crash and on the same day we found out that a family friend has lost his battle with pancreatic cancer and is in hospice. Now, today, my boss called and told me that a robber broke in to her parents' house and shot and killed BOTH of them. What is wrong with people?!

Makes me feel not so bad about the fact that my job is falling apart. But also makes me feel EXTREMELY paranoid and I don't want to let ANYONE out of my sight.

Ok, rant over. Sorry if I depressed you all.
its all the stuff you do try relaxing one day without doing a thing ON PAINKILLERS!!!

I relax a lot of days. I just make up for it on other days.
Where are they? It's suppose to be real cold tomorrow! Maybe they should be in the house........

They are in the pen in the front yard, right off the porch. They have a duck house to keep warm in, but Miss Smarty Pants, I will bring them in when they hatch because 1) It is a welded wire pen and the little babies can get out of it (I know this from experience) and even if I line the whole thing with chicken wire to keep them in 2) I am afraid the geese or other ducks will not be kind to them. My other option will be to move her and the babies into another pen if I can find a house for it, but I hate for Momma to be separated from the rest of the flock while raising them. I have agonized over all this for 4 weeks!
She seems pretty calm, but it sure is stressing me out!

Oh, bring the mama duck inside, too. Jasper will have company!
Sit on my rump, do some grading, watch some tv, maybe bake a bit (or direct my son in doing so) if I'm up to it, play with my bunny rabbit, pet my cats, try to keep Lucy from licking me in the face (ew, nasty dog breath), and watch the baby Quail grow. If there is still time left over, I need to write some tests, and do some work related reading...
mmm have to take my dog back to vets and get stiches removed-go back to grocery store that charged me 10$ too much and get a refund:)
get more chicken food and CLEAN THIS GROSS house-and all my chicken pens! Ill be doing duckie watch with you Michelle I cant wait for you!!!!

aw holy moley Kelly
you needed to rant big time Im so sorry for all the loss your going through!!!

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