Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?

Mine don't look great
, but they do keep the chickens in and the critters out
. I usually get the frame done and then Ed finishes it
. We've done a rabbit hutch, a chicken tractor, a coop, and repaired the front of the front of the old coop
before it fell on our ladies
. I want to try to do this tractor by myself
. I'll have to figure out how to build my page on here
I hate both laundry and dishes, but LOVE cooking. It works out though cause sis likes doing laundry and Amy would rather do dishes than cook
66 degrees and sunny with clouds moving in tonight for a slight chance of rain. Rain might also be possible on the weekend.

Other than that.. the days are beautiful and the chickens are laying.

The big talk about our area is this girl who went running and never came back to her car and now they have a guy in custody because apparently they found the girls underwear with something linking him to the case. sad case and they have yet to recover the girl or her body. Reminds us all that no one is really safe and we should always take precautions when going places alone.
oh we had another girl missing in the county and she has never been found either. So as sad as it sounds I hope when they do find this current girl that they also find the other at least to give closure to the parents and insure that when they caught this guy they caught the sicko who was taking these girls away.
So sad...we have a girl that has been missing 2+ years now. Last seen leaving highschool. Her family still has floats in all the parades around the city with Help us find Kara Kopetsky signs. How terrible for these poor parents not to know what happened to their daughters or sons.
Sounds like a good enough excuse to me!!! Laundry is fine with me...it's doing the dishes. For some reason, I really dread it. Funny , I would dread something I have to do every day!! I better talk myself into liking it!! Ha!

Again I am envious of all you hatchers!! How much fun you all must be having!!

I don't like dishes either, I mostly let hubby take care of that for me. As far as laundry goes, I don't mind to gather, wash, dry, put in the basket. Folding isn't bad, except I hate socks. I absolutely hate putting clothes away. I don't know why, it isn't a big deal. I always fold on my bed and put mine away as I go and make everyone else come get theirs, but I just hate it! If I ever win the lottery, first on my list is to buy enough socks that I can just use them as disposables and never have to worry about them again!
I have heard quite a bit about this case too. She went to Belton High School, right? I can remember Emily and her mom telling us about it too.
Good morning, good morning, ain't it great to stay up late. Good morning, good morning to you.

53 degrees and the sun is shinning at 7am. The birds are singing and the cat is meowing. The chickens are laying and clucking. All is good in the world and there is the slight smell of cat urine in the air.

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