Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?

I try to only leave my trap set at night. I would have cats and chickens and maybe a cow or 2 in them! LOL!
Oh and don't forget the goofy dog. He would definately be in there!

want a sure fire way to keep cats out of your traps??????? While they are still in prison, take yer garden hose, and in full view of the said beast....... spray it with the hose. It is so spitting hissing mad that not only will it stay away from you, it will never touch tuna fish again
I try to only leave my trap set at night. I would have cats and chickens and maybe a cow or 2 in them! LOL!
Oh and don't forget the goofy dog. He would definately be in there!

want a sure fire way to keep cats out of your traps??????? While they are still in prison, take yer garden hose, and in full view of the said beast....... spray it with the hose. It is so spitting hissing mad that not only will it stay away from you, it will never touch tuna fish again

LOL I thought you would take a squirrel soaked in tuna juice And smack the crap out of the cat when it runs out of the cage
Nice to see you too!

Good morning all.

Charmed how is your chicken today? All we ever catch in our live traps are our own darn cats!!!

Raymonds Dad called last night and has decided to pick him up for the weekend. So after school we will take him half way. He comes home Monday on the train. Then Thursday is his follow up appointment form the last 24 hour EEG. I am kind of excited to hear what they have to say.

Who watched Idol last night? Michelle what did you think of it?

I hope everyone has a good day planned.
Good Morning! It is going to be 80 degrees today!! Yea! Hope everyone has a great day!

My chicken was dead when I got home. I thought about doing an autopsy but didn't. I probably put her over the edge worming her with the rest of my brood but if that was the problem, I need to get a handle on it. The rest are doing fine and are happy to be roaming around today.

Playing around on Ancestry.com today. I've been looking up DH's father's family. Something he or I know little about. Interesting.....

Chickenchick....I am excited to hear what the Dr. has to say too. Will Kenny be off to take you?

Michelle...Is it nice up there too?

NY...How's your weather?

Good Morning Everyone!
Good Morning! I have been in a meeting all morning and just now getting around to here.

charmed--It is supposed to be close to 80 today too and a few degrees warmer tomorrow!
Destiny, Thunder and I took a good long walk last night, even went up by the bosses' house and took him and Carol with us. He has lost 12 pounds since starting his rehab 5 or 6 weeks ago. He has also agreed to the bowling league, so we will start that in May! So sorry to hear about your chicken.
Maybe you have learned something to save the others. My week has gotten better, I was sure hoping yours would too!

chickenchick--You are going to have a nice long weekend without child! (charmed--bring out the baby smilie again!) I watched Idol while cooking a delicious supper last night. I didn't think anyone was really outstanding, but I thought they were a little harsh on some they shouldn't have been. I think probably Didi needs to go home next. I could also stand to see Andrew, Katie, Crystal (of course) and eventually Big Mike. I still really like Siobhan, Casey (Idol God), Lee, Tim and Aaron. They said at the beginning of the season that it would be a girl's year, but I don't think it is going that way.

chickenlover--Welcome back!!

NY--How's it going out your way?

algo & Boyd--
Charmed I am so sorry to hear about your chicken. It is especially frustrating when you have no idea why.

I am so jealous of your girls weather today. I would love to see 80

Michelle I have to agree about Idol. I thought the judges were very harsh when they should not have been.
Okay, I am back. After most the morning in meetings and other work related things, I have been working on switching insurances.
A little less painful than I thought it would be, but still. It does help that we are switching to Tonna's work, so she is doing a good job of taking care of it for us. Next stop will be the courthouse to pay personal property taxes that we have failed to do so far this year. Problem being, we were assessed wrong and I have to get that all straightened out too. I envision HOURS (exaggerated, I hope) over there getting the rest of the vehicles added. It looks good with only the trailer and one vehicle, now we must add 3 more!
Then it will be to get the truck to Vo-Tech to get tires mounted and truck aligned, inspection (we have a friend to do it since hubby no longer does) and then an afternoon at the license office.
At that point, I should be able to drive my truck!
Sounds like you are having one of those days!!
So I am sending lots of these
You are not alone on the property tax thing, we are headed to the court house today to pay on the ones in this county. (Ours and our rental) The ones on the house that is for sale will have to wait...
Please send "sell" vibes our way.

My remaining 3 keets are lively and happy

Rocky was feeling pretty yucky yesterday when I got him home. He is feeling better today and has much better breath now!
Sounds like you are having one of those days!!
So I am sending lots of these
You are not alone on the property tax thing, we are headed to the court house today to pay on the ones in this county. (Ours and our rental) The ones on the house that is for sale will have to wait...
Please send "sell" vibes our way.

My remaining 3 keets are lively and happy

Rocky was feeling pretty yucky yesterday when I got him home. He is feeling better today and has much better breath now!

Did you take the other stray in to town today? Or did you keep her??

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