Ever wonder what a blind hen looked like?


8 Years
Jun 6, 2011
Hugging a Chicken
Penny, my half-blind Buff orpington, was very photogenic today.
She let me take many pictures of her eyes... a really weird way to tell that she's blind in her blue eye is when I'll wave a hand infront of her blue eye, and she won't respond at all. Then i'll wave a hand infront of her green eye, and she'll turn her head and look strait at me.

Taking a nap in the sun...

Shaking herself

"What are YOU looking at?"

"This is my good side, snap it!"

Blue eye (she can't see at all out of this one.)

Green eye (she see's out of this one)

"FINALLY. She's done! Now, back to my nap...."

(Nellie wanted pictures too!) "Hey good looking!"
What a sweetie Penny is, and so is Nellie. My red hen who is blind in one eye does very well, but her blind eye is just hazy colored instead of blue. That is interesting that Penny's blind eye protrudes more than her other eye.
What a sweetie Penny is, and so is Nellie. My red hen who is blind in one eye does very well, but her blind eye is just hazy colored instead of blue. That is interesting that Penny's blind eye protrudes more than her other eye.

Has your hen always been blind? I don't know if Pen the hen (my nickname for her) was born half blind or something caused it. I know, I notice that her blue one appears bigger than her green eye....strange..
Wow that's really interesting. I've never thought about blind chickens before. It's good to see that they have good lives
Here are some blind chickens I've had (all 100% blind): Serama roo "Sick Chick", Wyandotte "Shirly" and D'Uccle "Millie". All great personalities :)

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