Everyone, post your best homemade chicken feed recipes!

hi there, I'm extremely new to raising chickens. I just picked up a beautiful white silkie rooster (Clyde) and a white/black sussex hen (Bonnie) from a woman around the corner from me. We built a make-shift coop for now to shield them from the weather. I picked up some produce from the grocery store (not moldy, just not sellable) (romaine lettuce, spinach, green grapes, red grapes, apples, pears etc) and threw some medium grind corn meal, shelled pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds and roasted peanuts in a shallow pan for them

I'm interested in making my own food for them, but I'm honestly really lost. I've read through all the postings, but I still feel like there's something I'm not "getting."

Here are my questions:

What can I buy at the store? What do I NEED to buy from a feed store? I want to avoid soy and GMO whenever possible.

Also, what can they absolutely NOT have?

I'm so excited about Bonnie and Clyde! Any and all advice and help is greatly appreciated!

OH! Also! What is the benefit of adding the Apple Cider Vinegar to their water? How much do you add?

[email protected]
hi there, I'm extremely new to raising chickens. I just picked up a beautiful white silkie rooster (Clyde) and a white/black sussex hen (Bonnie) from a woman around the corner from me. We built a make-shift coop for now to shield them from the weather. I picked up some produce from the grocery store (not moldy, just not sellable) (romaine lettuce, spinach, green grapes, red grapes, apples, pears etc) and threw some medium grind corn meal, shelled pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds and roasted peanuts in a shallow pan for them

I'm interested in making my own food for them, but I'm honestly really lost. I've read through all the postings, but I still feel like there's something I'm not "getting."

Here are my questions:

What can I buy at the store? What do I NEED to buy from a feed store? I want to avoid soy and GMO whenever possible.

Also, what can they absolutely NOT have?

I'm so excited about Bonnie and Clyde! Any and all advice and help is greatly appreciated!

OH! Also! What is the benefit of adding the Apple Cider Vinegar to their water? How much do you add?

[email protected]
I'd like to see answers to these questions, too!
I'm trying out some new feed from a mill. It's a lot cheaper than the feed I'd been buying and I didn't like it at all. Anywho, I'm mixing layer pellets with whole oats, wheat, and barely. I also sprinkle some cayenne pepper on everybody's food.

I've been hearing a lot about the fermented feed, and would like to try that as well.

~ Aspen
I'm trying out some new feed from a mill. It's a lot cheaper than the feed I'd been buying and I didn't like it at all. Anywho, I'm mixing layer pellets with whole oats, wheat, and barely. I also sprinkle some cayenne pepper on everybody's food.

I've been hearing a lot about the fermented feed, and would like to try that as well.

~ Aspen
Maybe they don't like the cayenne pepper? I know that when I put mine through the garden this fall, they avoided all the hot peppers.
Maybe they don't like the cayenne pepper? I know that when I put mine through the garden this fall, they avoided all the hot peppers.
Perhaps, but hot peppers do not affect chickens like they do us. I do not think they can taste them. I know my waterfowl will eat all their grains first, then eat the pellets last. Their feed didn't have any cayenne on it, so I guess they just don't like it. The ducks and chickens don't seem to mind it too much.

I'm thinking about getting some Calf Manna, kelp and fish meal, and some other things to mix into their feed, besides all the grain I feed. Does anyone use beet pulp? What is it good for? I know our mill sells it, I didn't get any because I had no idea what kind of nutrition and such it had.

~ Aspen

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