Everyone, post your best homemade chicken feed recipes!

I make my own feed I add all these grains in equal quantity (white corn,yellow corn,wheat grain,Millet grain,scratch) and these are with 10% ratio of major grains (seasame seed,flash seed,rice) and oats half ratio of major grains .
Is these ingredients are ok to feed or not
I make my own feed I add all these grains in equal quantity (white corn,yellow corn,wheat grain,Millet grain,scratch) and these are with 10% ratio of major grains (seasame seed,flash seed,rice) and oats half ratio of major grains .
Is these ingredients are ok to feed or not

I buy layer feed, but also supplement with sprouted wheat and cracked corn. We crack the whole corn ourselves, as needed, to make it easier for them to digest.. I read somewhere that cracked corn loses its nutritional valve if stored for very long.
I make my own feed I add all these grains in equal quantity (white corn,yellow corn,wheat grain,Millet grain,scratch) and these are with 10% ratio of major grains (seasame seed,flash seed,rice) and oats half ratio of major grains .
Is these ingredients are ok to feed or not

You have no source of vitamins A, D, and B complex. A chicken couldn't live forever on that ration.
Alfalfa would give you those. But anything you add is going to alter the values for protein, fat, etc. Have you calculated a nutrient analysis on your current mix?

Alfalfa does not contain vitamin D, or B complex vitamins. B vitamins can really only be obtained from animal protein sources, or nutritional yeast. Cod liver oil is must when mixing your own feed, especially if you have no animal protein, to a level of 1 tsp per pound of feed. Synthetic vit A/D supplements can be had cheaper, but I like to buy liquid cod liver oil and mix it with the grains.

ETA: you need a protein source in your mix. Field peas, lentils, legumes of any kind. Fish meal is ideal but not available everywhere.
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You have no source of vitamins A, D, and B complex. A chicken couldn't live forever on that ration.

corn and wheat contain A and B vitamins. vitamin D also come from sunbathing.

if chickens live in a sunny place and free range they don't need a lot care from humans. BUT if they are caged or live in a coop/small run the best thing is to feed them ready made commercial feed.
​Alfalfa does not contain vitamin D, or B complex vitamins.  B vitamins can really only be obtained from animal protein sources, or nutritional yeast.  Cod liver oil is must when mixing your own feed, especially if you have no animal protein, to a level of 1 tsp per pound of feed.  Synthetic vit A/D supplements can be had cheaper, but I like to buy liquid cod liver oil and mix it with the grains.

ETA:  you need a protein source in your mix.  Field peas, lentils, legumes of any kind.  Fish meal is ideal but not available everywhere.

"Sun-cured alfalfa hay is also a source of Vitamins D and K as well as riboflavin and niacin."

http://www.dsm.com/markets/anh/en_U... to 1,000 IU per lb) (Maynard et al., 1979)."

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