Everyone Post Your Pigeon Pics!!!!!



This was my very first bird. A homing pigeon named "Dusky" She passed away this last summer at almost 6 years old. She was 100% free range, never saw a coop in her life after fledging. The only thing that kept her around was me, I was home for her. Miss her tons. I have 4 birmingham rollers and a squab right now, Ill post pics later

So sorry WaterFowlWierdo! She's beautiful!
:) Thankyou. Its been hard but I am very thankful to have had her in my life. I dedicate most of my birds to her because she started me off.

Have you guys ever kept pigeons in a rabbit hutch for a little bit while building a loft/pen for them?
I kept my pigeon above in a hutch for a few weeks while she got to know my house as home, let her out, then she stayed for 5 1/2 years afterward
So sorry WaterFowlWierdo! She's beautiful!

:) Thankyou. Its been hard but I am very thankful to have had her in my life. I dedicate most of my birds to her because she started me off.

Have you guys ever kept pigeons in a rabbit hutch for a little bit while building a loft/pen for them?

I kept my pigeon above in a hutch for a few weeks while she got to know my house as home, let her out, then she stayed for 5 1/2 years afterward

That's good to know. I have a three-hutch pen. Can the pigeons just fly around outside of the pen? Would my cats eat them? One cat lives IN the chicken coop

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