Everyone tries to press that chickens are pets, but

No, I don't eat meat, and I'm working on becoming a vegan.
As long as animals used for meat and things are treated right (which is better that some people raise them and kill them themselves since the meat/diary/egg industry is horrific) then it's ok. Just not something I would be capable of or would want to do.

Say someone asked me what kinds of pets I have and I mentioned my ducks. Then they say "Do you eat them?" and start making comments about wanting to eat MY beloved pet ducks and saying other stupid comments... that's what irritates me.

Please do not take this personally or any other vegan but in case you have forgotten...plants are living creatures also...every thing you ingest is a living organism of some kind before it is killed and eaten. Do not be so quick to be harsh about people eating pet animals when you would quickly kill a plant to eat it. Fair is fair. Plants have a valuable job in more ways that merely eating them.

Farm animals, livestock or whatever term you place on it...it is an animal. It is our own personal bond, perspective and relationship with the animal that makes it anything different. I think the cougar is a wonderfully beautiful creature...it is free to live on my property all it wants to am I going to make a pet out of it? No Will I kill it if need be? Yes will I lose sleep over that? Doubtful.

The comments of "Do you eat them" is not an irritant it is a realistic question. Society has gone too far removed from its food source and they forget. they think they buy a dozen eggs...oh good I did not kill anything for this food. what they forget is that there is some leghorn in a cramped cage laying that egg, getting auto fed three times a day, drinking water from a tube and who has a life expectancy of 75 weeks...then it is sent to slaughter. It is what it is.

It is far better to raise the animal yourself, care for it, feed it, give it a good life and then kill it for food as opposed to some of the conditions meat animals live in and the substances they fed and shot up with.

Being a vegan will not make the situation better and being upset when someone mentions eating a pet animal will not help either. Look for useful ways to change what you can, accept what you will and let go of what cannot be altered by you as an individual.

But plants don't have feeling. A carrot being ripped from the ground doesn't feel pain.

How does being vegan not make anything better? I won't be supporting cruelty of animals then. I mean, I guess if I had chickens for pets and they layed eggs the eggs may as well be put to some use so I wouldn't HAVE to go vegan, but still, I've never liked eggs. I don't eat them unless they in the ingredients of something (ie cake).

and yes, pigs and chickens and ducks ..ARE livestock.."farm animals"... whats wrong with that word?....

I guess its the way my family uses it that's caused me to feel the way I do when I hear it. They mean it in a bad way.​
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Plants might not feel like we do, but cut a root off and there are whole hormone cascades that go though the plant that enact damage response.

A plant which gets sick will run a plant verison of a fever too and often induce cell death to help save the rest of the plant.

To make it more human like, there are plants that resond to touch. Their leaves curl when you touch them.

Venus fly traps have two hairs on each trap leaf, touch them on each leaf and it will snap closed.

So plants can "feel" and they do "respond" but just not in a way animals do.
they had a study that showed some kind of "emotion" in plants,,,, they had a plant hooked up with probes,and had a jar of shrimp next to it, and a pot of boiling water under the shrimp. everybody left the building, in the middle of the night it was on a turner, and dumped the shrimp in the boiling water,, the readings of the plant went off the charts., plants breathe,, they just breathe the opposite element then we do. they live, they die, they have feelings,,, sounds like a pet to me
My family has put down pets and livestock. The only difference between livestock and pets is the keeper's attitude. An animal's life is shorter than ours and the exact length should be at our discretion as long as they are kept in a healthy and kind manner.
My chickens are definitely pets... we get eggs occasionally, but not enough to stop buying eggs at the store, and I buy grain for them, and give them treats every day. If I had a farm (and my husband did the killing part) I would love to care for my food and know it was happy and well fed before I ate it. At least I think so... I've never been in a position to eat something that I knew when it was alive, but I buy NG pork (naturally grown - lived in humane conditions prior to slaughter) and free range chickens, and locally caught fish. Otherwise I don't eat meat.
Like I said. I love animals.

They're delicious....

I hope we can cure our White Rock of bumble foot... I don 't want to cull her.

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