Ewwwwwww! It worked!


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Awhile back someone posted a thread about how you could submerge an egg in vinegar overnight and the vinegar would dissolve the eggshell, leaving the membrane and inside of the egg intact.
I was really REALLY bored last night, so I tried it. We only have apple cider vinegar and the egg still looked normal this morning, so I thought I'd give it more time.
I just drained off the vinegar and it worked!
The result looks and feels really weird and it bounces when you poke it.
My son did this as a Science Fair Entry last year... all the kids and teachers thought it was WAY cool!

Did you do it with a raw egg? We used a raw egg and DS bet other kids he could peel a raw egg and keep it intact. They all said "NO WAY - a raw egg?" DS: YEP!

It took a little over 19 hours in white vinegar to peel - and was awesome! I'll post pics of what it looked like when I find them on my system.
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I gave my teflon pan away to someone I don't like.

I some how feel responsible.

*snicker* *evil giggle* *snicker*
Yep, used a raw egg. Really smart bet for your DS to make.
Something tells me that if I tell my SO about the bet your DS made, he'll have to try it on some of the guys at work.
*Picturing a bunch of grown men standing around poking this egg thingy*

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