Ex-Bats getting their feathers back?

Chickenman MAN

Oct 25, 2020
United Kingdom South Devon
Hi! I've had 4 ex-bats for around 4 months now. Three of them are really well feathered, but not quite there. One is well feathered on the back and chest and legs but not really the belly or butt. How can I help them along with feather growth? (my feed is 16% layer pellets, I can't change it for reasons of budget, and they have free-choice mixed grit with oyster shells)
Sounds as if they are doing great. Any form of protein supplementation may help - cat food, meat scraps, etc. Well done of the rescue.
Also keep an eye on them to make sure the others are not feather pecking/plucking her. It's a bad habit many birds develop while caged.
Hi. Just be patient. We have ex-bats too and they tend to moult and re-feather at different times and different rates. One of ours seems to moult about once every 14 months - and lays solidly until she does. She will get very scruffy near the end of the cycle but then look fabulous once re-feathered.

I don't tend to give our meat scraps but will give them tuna (the type in water not brine) for about 3 days. One teaspoon per chicken. They absolutely love it and it is full of protein.

Well done for rescuing them - where they from BHWT?
Hi Chickenman

Out ex-batt's are the same - 9 of the 10 seem to have them growing back with one still loooking a little pink. She seems the most confident of the bunch so I don't think she's pulling them out and we haven't found any feathers to suggest plucking. I hadn't considered giving them tuna (or meat) but might add some to our next shop for them though I think she's probably just a little slower than the others.

@MandS - we sell our spare eggs for a charitable donation to go to BHWT as well (though we're not officially in their egg club) - they have been really popular, so much that there is usually a waiting list!

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