Excel spreadsheet for tracking expenses and income from chickens

Thanks for your reply Ann Marie!
The problem I am having is that my May egg collections do not show any monthly totals in the average productivity. Is this due to no costs involved to date?

Somehow I got the 3.1 self contained file to open but cannot for remember how in he!! I did it as a self contained file in Excel 07. Could you please explain?

Am using Office Live Work Spaces to access the file from different locations and had no problem on the previous download and prcessing into Excel 07, but had been previously saving to a local drive. Maybe this is my problem.

Thanks again for your time!
Am using Office Live Work Spaces to access the file from different locations and had no problem on the previous download and prcessing into Excel 07, but had been previously saving to a local drive. Maybe this is my problem.

I'm not familiar with Office Live Work Spaces, but you will need to save the file somewhere. Whether that's a local drive, or a virtual drive on an Office Live server, I don't honestly have a clue. The basics steps are to got to the website (www.hardinsonline.net), navigate to the chicken tools page, right click on the file you want, and choose "save as." After that, you'll give it a name and a location and it will save. Then, you can enter your data in that file.

Now, on to the monthly totals issue. I'm not sure I understand what you're looking at. The average productivity calculates the eggs per chicken, so you'll need values in both the chickens column and at least one of the eggs columns. As soon as you enter a number of chickens and a number of eggs collected for any day you should see values in row 39 of that month's tab (May in this case). You won't get a productivity value until you enter an egg count for at least one day in the month.

I get the feeling I'm not helping at all, but I'm having trouble understanding exactly what you're seeing.

Ann Marie​
I wanted to let you all know that I've put the spreadsheets up for you on our website. All 4 versions (simple and expanded in Excel 97 and Excel 2007) are there, so pick your poison. The address is http://www.hardinsonline.net/chicken_tools.htm. I tested the download, and it worked for me, but let us know if it doesn't work. No promises, as I'm a complete newbie at the whole website thing, but I'll do my best. ~Ann Marie We also just updated it again yesterday to fix the problem that was found. As people find and post the problems here we will correct them and just update the website. There are too many people that want the file to do the email thing. Plus, I just got a new job and won't have as much time to do computer stuff. Thanks, Steve

This is the best! Thank you so much. I have downloaded and am using it and am totally amazed. Again thank you for all your hardwork.​
Wow! What an awesome sheet. I have not used it yet, just downloaded it, but it looks to be more than what I could have hoped for! Funny thing is that I've been thinking for the last couple weeks that I need to find an excel sheet to track this kind of stuff and here it is!! Thanks so much guys!!
Hey hey!

We've just received our first 3 eggs in 4 days. Hopeing for many many more.

But, something is wrong with the spreadsheet. It says I've spent 33 1/3 pounds of feed per egg, and that it cost me $20.00 in feed per egg. I don't get it. (big grin)... No actually, it's working great.

I wonder if you might incorporate something for eggs not sold. Kind of keeping track of what you eat, give away, or don't sell.

Also, maybe consider locking certain cells. (Summary, Laying Hens/Day) I keep tweaking and having to go back and put in original formulas.

And, an aside question; I've got 11 hens. I know one is laying. How do you know when to add more to the "Laying Hens per Day" section? IE: 6 eggs one day would be 6 Hens a laying, or do I put in all 11 hens right now?
I save the eggs that are layed on Sat & Sun for the family, usually one dozen, and mark it in the eggs sold column as 1 dozen sold and $0 price, with "family" written in the column of who they were sold to.
We do the same thing with eggs that we keep or give away. We just put them in as sold for $0. As for the number of laying hens, we assume that all of our hens are laying. It gets a little tricky when you've got young ones coming up, but it's a judgement call. You can see when your productivity suddenly jumps, and then it's probably time to add in the rest of the pullets.

Now, as for locking cells. Maybe you should consider locking them on your copy *grin*. I didn't because I wanted the spreadsheet to be editable for those who wanted to make changes.

Glad you're all enjoying the spreadsheet and finding it useful.

Ann Marie

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