Excel spreadsheet for tracking expenses and income from chickens

Boy, I got lots of responses to this one. I sent everyone an email asking you to directly send me a request so I could just hit the reply button and attach the file. A few people gave me their email address and I sent it directly to them.
So if you are new to this thread please just send me a request to my home email, just click the e-mail button to the left under my avatar, and I will send you a copy. Any requests or changes can go here on this thread or you can send them to me. It will be a work in progress and we will get it into something very user friendly. There are no locks on the file so I suggest saving a copy of the file as "chickens 2009" so you can keep the original then you can just rename a new copy every year.

Thanks, STeve

edited to remove e-mail link, I don't want you to be buried in spam!

thanks for making sure I don't get spammed. later, Steve
Please send me one.
Wow, you all are the best! Thanks for your dedication and love of chickens! I was able to open the thread under Google and review the form. I'm able to highlight each square/section etc. Question? How do I enter the data??? Each time I try to enter a number in a box, nothing shows up. Can't input my data onto spreadsheet. I'm sure it's something simple I'm not doing correctly. Never used a spread sheet, just pen and paper. I would love to have this tool working for me on my computer. Thanks so much! OK to PM me if you like.
Wow! You have been offering this spreadsheet for a long time. Great Job!!

Please send me a copy. Thanks!!
I downloaded your spreadsheet and THANK YOU for sharing. I have been meaning to keep track of things for ever; this makes everything so easy.

I added one column- between M and O- to list what feed and where I bought it. Just info for me, I am sure not every one needs this. I use both layer and starter feed and wanted to keep track of how often I bought each. (now that I am actually keeping track of anything
) Your spreadsheet has allowed me actually start keeping record keeping- you have thought of things I would never have tracked.

Wonderful, thanks
post #302 has the link for this year's Excel spreadsheet. It is a wonderful tool and my wife has been updating it for me to keep track of all things chicken related!.

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