Excel spreadsheet for tracking expenses and income from chickens

Thank you!! Esp for not giving me the DAH it's two posts up response I deserved!!! LOL
This is beyond a spreadsheet, what you truly need is a database. It would take several hundred hours to set this up so it was in a super easy to use format. We simply don't have the time nor would it be donated as is this spreadsheet. It is possible to do but you will need to find someone who is talented enough to deliver the product as you want it. Good luck.
We just record those as no eggs collected. Same for cracked eggs or eggs with no shells. It is calculated into the cost because you didn't collect any eggs so your expenses will be up almost 33% for the month because you collected 33% less eggs due to missing those ten days. If the eggs are not useable for any reason I don't count them as produced by the chickens. The spreadsheet does account for the loss. We just don't see a need to track discarded eggs. Heck, I drop one occasionally and don't count it as produced either. Thanks for the suggestion.
I print the forms for the entire year and put them on a clipboard that way I can fill them out easily and at the end of the month I remove the filled in sheet and enter the data into the computer. It works well for us. I also use a sticky note with little boxes written down with "50# $14.99" for all the feed I have purchased then on the day I open a new bag I claim it on my spreadsheet and cross it off my sticky note so I know how many bags of feed are left in the coop. I might purchase four bags at a time but I only claim them as I open them up on the spread sheet. Again, if anyone has any questions about using the spreadsheet dig through all the old posts. If that doesn't answer your question then message me and I will tell you how I use the spreadsheet.
I did find a little error on the annual financial summary for 2013. The feed cost per dozen and total cost per dozen are accidently added in again as an expense in the total net income line. I didn't catch it until I was doing my annual summary. Those columns were new last year. So take that into account and I will get my wife to correct the 2014 version so this doesn't happen. Sorry folks. I don't do a lot of quality control on these before they get sent out and I just did not notice it in the monthly totals. It popped in the yearly summary when I was trying to make the numbers line up and was off by over $100. I will let everyone know when the 2014 version is corrected.
I'm still LOVING this spreadsheet, but I am curious about your thoughts on including the info for other bird types along with the info for the chickens. For example, for the past year I have only included the information for my chickens on the spreadsheet. However, I got goslings last year that are just starting to lay. They are so self sufficient that I have never attributed any feed or other supply costs to them; but I do intend to sell their fertile eggs and/or any goslings I hatch out and I would like to keep tabs on those numbers. But I only have two laying geese, so the numbers will not be large enough (in my opinion) to justify having a separate Goose Tracking Spreadsheet... (In fact, I've only gathered 3 eggs total from my geese so far, so I'm still early in this process.)

I'm trying to think of any cons that I might encounter by including their numbers in with the chicken info... Does this make sense? Do you (or would you) combine different poultry types in just the one spreadsheet?

Thanks again!
I have noticed that something is off with the monthly summaries as well. The net is not right.... I tried downloading it again and was still the same? any help would be greatly appreciated as this spreadsheet has been amazing otherwise! thanks!

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