Excited to be here!


In the Brooder
Mar 17, 2021
Vancouver, WA
Checking in from Vancouver, WA. This is my first time raising chickens. I brought home 6 pullets- 3 black stars, 2 silver laced wyandottes, and 1 easter egger. My wife was a bit unsure about it but they have quickly grown on her. I love walking into the room where the brooder is and saying hi to them and seeing them react to my voice! I have had them for about a week now and they've already gotten bigger and started to try to fly, dig at the ground, and peck pretty much everything.

My local garden store has two hens in their coop in the outdoor area and every time I go there I cannot help but stop by and say hello to them! This was what ultimately made me decide that I wanted to raise chickens. I can sit there and forget everything else while watching them do their thing. I am super excited to eat some fresh eggs, put chicken poo in the garden, and watch them roam the yard.

We have an older pitbull/great dane mix that might be too much for the birds and no other pets at the moment. We have discussed getting alpaca and goats in the future.

My main hobby is flying airplanes and I am so fortunate that it is also my career. I also play basketball, enjoy going to the gym, love board game nights with friends, and hiking in the beautiful PNW with my wife and dogs.

Looking forward to meeting everyone here and learning everything I can in the process!
Welcome to BYC! This awesome community of poultry keepers and experts will be very excited to jump in and answer whatever questions you may have. 😊

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