Expected Price for Chicks/Started Pullets?


15 Years
Jul 10, 2009
North Carolina Sandhills
My Coop
My Coop
I'm looking to get my chickens within the next month now and I'm wanting to make sure that I'm not going into this purchase with foolish expectations.

If I'm buying chicks or started pullets from local sources, neither commercial hatcheries nor top-end show breeders, what sort of prices can I reasonably expect to pay for sexed chicks, straight-run chicks, or started pullets?

I don't want to be that idiot people complain about who expected to get something for nothing but I also don't want to be that idiot people laugh at for paying far more than I ought to have paid. :)

I'm in the Sandhills of North Carolina if there are major, regional differences and looking for Delawares, Australorps, or Brahmas if breed makes a big difference for backyard, "pet quality" birds.
It varies from location to location. Heck, if i go 30 miles north to Denver the average price goes up 10-20%. I normally charge $5 to $8 for sexed pullet chicks (depends on rarity and demand) and $7 to $10 for started chicks that don't need heat anymore. Normally unsexed are $2-3 cheaper, again depending on breed.

I have seen started chicks sell for as much as $20 at 8 weeks.
You should be able to buy very, very true to breed, nice stock for $8-$10 for a brooded pullet chick but that kind of quality isn't that common, frankly. Many, if not most, people just re-breed hatchery stock, so the price is not about the quality of the bird, per se, but the electricity, feed and time the people have into them.

Started pullets are easily worth $16 and northward for all those same reasons.
Around here (central Ohio) I'd expect to pay $12-$15 for an 18 week old started pullet and anywhere from $1.50 to $3.00 a day-old straight run chick depending on breed from a backyard breeder with hatchery quality stock. $5 - $8 a chick for breeder quality stock. Roosters of any age are $5 or free.
In missouri the prices are about what Walking posted. Even with multiple hatcheries withing 200 miles of home. Rarely you can get older birds (After their 1st laying season) really cheap or free if people are starting over. I just got a roo and 9 hens that are still in full production free from a local farm store own and his wife.
In missouri the prices are about what Walking posted. Even with multiple hatcheries withing 200 miles of home. Rarely you can get older birds (After their 1st laying season) really cheap or free if people are starting over. I just got a roo and 9 hens that are still in full production free from a local farm store own and his wife.
Oh, I forgot about the older bird option. This is a good point. We sell two year old layers for $5 each.
Did you happen to get any birds yet? Or leads on where you may be getting some? You might hit Craigslist and get lucky with someone local. I have had mixed success with it recently.

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