Explaining Chicken Math

Well my math is getting active again...seems like the adult Leghorns I have had for nearly a year do not like the 17wo girls in their coop and run...so they will soon be leaving! All my birds are either 17wo or 7 wo......the Leghorns were a spur-of-the moment thing.....they are my only egg producers too! But I will soon have many eggs.
So to make a long story short, I'm getting rid of the leghorns due to fighting. The coop was built to hold 13 birds...I am not going to let 4 leghorns keep me from filling my coop!!


So, sometimes.....chicken math can be manipulated by the chickens!


LOL!!! How fun! XD
1. im not sure how to explain it either! XD (I'm just glad my parents understand)
2. ohhhh id say about errr 150
but in two weeks we are about to go down to just 100 bc its processing time.. :/
My way to deal with DH is to do a run around with explaining how many of each kind I have, how many in each age group, how many eggs, and by the time I actually get to the hard total number, his eyes are glazed and I have lost him. When he asks how many we have, I ask back.. "Well how many Araucanas? How many 10 week olds? How many different kinds? Waht are we talking here..."

I keep hearing my hubby mutter under his breath "Found me a city girl and she turned into a country girl..."
My husband is saying the same! I had NO desire for chickens until I heard them in the TSC while buying garden fencing.
I am now asking complete strangers if they have chickens, and TRYING to convince my husband that I don't want "too many" chickens. That way, he will take pitty on me when I am "forced" to get more chickens than I "wanted". My goal is to keep it under 20 this year (i am currently at eight. Six stinkin roosters! I am working at swapping out four). By next year all bets are off. The coop will get bigger, and so will my flock!
Haha! My mother came to visit two weeks ago, and she was SO impressed at how tame my girls are and how they just come right up to you in the morning looking for treats. She went home with my Meyer Hatchery catalogue. This is how it spreads...

Absolutely it is! Our friends thought we were so funny for getting chickens... several weeks later they had a coop built and a puppy dog look in their eyes so I gave them 4.
OMG!! I'm so glad to see that I'm not the only person that is "obsessed"! I had been wanting chicks for the last few years, and was finally able to convince my husband to let me get a few. His specific words were only get 2! Needless to say I came home with 6, and am constantly on here looking at more breeds and ways to get them without him noticing..LOL! We were planning on building our coop, but with very limited time since our kids are very involved in sports we had to have one built. Lucky for my husband it only holds up to 12 grown chickens. What he doesn't know is that the builder told me that I could trade my coop in and go bigger if I ever needed to!
I’m the one that wanted chickens, my wife didn’t want to have anything to do with them! I was going to start slow. I found BYC and started deciding what kind of chickens I wanted. I knew I wanted large brown eggs, so only looked at breeds that laid those eggs. I ordered some hatchery birds from the local feed store and they came in a couple of shipments. Then I heard about Ameruacana’s and Easter Eggers and incubators. I bought an incubator and then eggs from BYCers. We had the incubator upstairs in the kitchen and we were always adjusting the temp and had dismal hatches. Finally moved the incubator to a downstairs bedroom and joined one of Mahonri’s Easter Hatches, followed ChookChicks incubation rules and had a terrific hatch! Then I joined a couple of Egg Swaps and had a blast sending and receiving eggs from all over! We currently have a mixed flock with Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucana roosters. The main flock of 38 includes four roosters and one tom turkey (plus one pullet and three cockerels). Oh, and three roosters that are in their own cages away from the coop. There are nine chicks from the latest Easter Hatch. There are 11 chicks from the Oregon Spring Chicken Swap. There are another 20 chicks in the basement brooder (that haven’t been moved to the coop yet) that are from the April and May Egg Swaps. So, for those counting: 38+3+9+11+20= 81.

We sell our eggs and don’t want any broodies. I had three girls that were nasty broodies, so put them with one of the caged roosters…they are no longer broody and are laying again!

Oh yeah…they are now my wife’s chickens! LOL!!
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I totally agree with the saying ''chicks are like potato chips; you just can't have one!''
we started out with only ordering 4 then 6 then the total was 9 chicks from the meyer hatchery
YAY! chickens!!!
LOL it is so hard to explain chicken math to husbands LOL I built my coop all by myself so that wasn't a problem BUT when I went to the local farm to buy my chicks my youngest daughter picked up a black chick and fell in love. I went o get what hubby approved... 3 chickens no roosters. I picked out the 3 chicks that I liked and guess what the black one my daughter was holding wasn't one of them. the lady at the farm said " because you are buying 3 I will through in a gallon of fresh raw goats milk and the black chick for free".... My husband could have cared less about the goats milk when he saw I had 4 chicks instead of just 3 LOL

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