Explaining Chicken Math

Okay, so I have to ask...how does putting a broody in a cage with a rooster break her broodiness? Just wondering, because I have a broody that is driving me crazy. I haven't gotten eggs from her all spring and now into the summer because she's gone broody 3 times. I finally let her set 2 of her eggs and one of them hatched so now she's raising 1 chick. Thanks, I realise this is not a question thread and more of a "funny story thread" but I gotta know.

This was a rooster in a 4x8 cage all by himself and he was so happy to have her in with him, trying to mate her all the time and wouldn't let her be. I added a total of three girls in with him and all three started laying within one week.
So you think chicken math is complicated, try egg math and see how much advanced math is involved in a simple egg. We are lucky that the chickens do the math and all we do is collect the eggs
You probably won't understand the math but take a look and see how complex it really is.
There is a lot of information here about chickens not just chicken math. Just probe around a bit and see lots of educational stuff
Thanks to University of Illinois

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