Explanation on where the 'gardening is illegal' rumor came from

It is not, and never was.

During Covid-19 lockdowns, some states banned the sale of anything not "essential." Then some of those states defined gardening supplies as not essential. (Seeds, plants, fertilizer, shovels, rototillers, hoses, and on and on--"not essential.")

So buying gardening supplies, in person, in certain states, during a specific few months--that was illegal.

Growing a garden with supplies you already had was fine. Ordering things over the internet was fine.
Ohhh, okay. Thank for clarifying!
Why would gardening be illegal??!!
Do you want the uber crazy, dark room of the internet, conspiracy theory??? If you do here it is. Just be aware that I do NOT adhere to this theory but people with think what they want. The reasoning for making gardening illegal would be for the government to be able to control the food supply and make the citizens more dependant on the government and less independant. Again that is not what I am proposing and do not agree with it. But it is what it is
We saw oddities in what I would think of as essential as well.

While seeds, gardening and home repair/maintenance may not seem essential to some to others these things are critical.

Paint sales.....I can see those having gone up. So many people stuck at home without much to do deciding to spend the "found" time being as productive as possible......or staring at the walls deciding they really could use a new coat of paint.

Seeds while legal here were in short supply. Probably for several reasons.

For some reason there seems to be an increase in how many households around us have and are setting off fireworks.......I do NOT consider those essential. I don't even understand why there are fireworks stands here as they are illegal in town.......

Imma go weed my onion rows.......lol.
Maybe even look to see if the squirrel left me any strawberries.....
Oh, I bought paint, so I know why sales went up! 🤣

But paint is not what I'd consider essential. Home repair is. I just think it's funny that some states ban sales of gardening supplies but still allow paint sales.
Oh, I bought paint, so I know why sales went up! 🤣

But paint is not what I'd consider essential. Home repair is. I just think it's funny that some states ban sales of gardening supplies but still allow paint sales.

😳 I bought ducks...and construction materials...and paint...and more materials...and more paint...and painted the garage...and am planning to paint my kitchen cabinets...and bought a new faucet.

I may need therapy.

Really my old faucet isn't shutting off like it should....
Well remember when this first broke out here there was very little to no proper personal protection for the general public. I think the policies that were enacted were meant to make it possible for people to get food and other necessities and get them the heck out of the store.
Here the hardware stores were open but they closed the paint department. Maybe you could still buy it off the shelf, I don’t know, but they didn’t want people standing around Handling the paint chips and then standing around getting the paint shook.
Same for seed racks. People stand there and touch everything. And breathe on everything. Until we were able to get masks and more information on how to protect ourselves I think my own Governor and local health district did the responsible thing. My brother in law works in a grocery store and so far that store has had no Covid infections among the employees. If you don’t have a mask they will give you one. They constantly clean and I believe it shows if people are careful and responsible we CAN go about our lives . Some things will probably never be the same. At least in my lifetime.

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