External Pip On Wrong End


6 Years
Apr 3, 2013
Savage, MN
Have 6 buttons in the incubator, and today is day 16. Woke up this morning with two eggs pipped. One pipped at the "wrong" end, so am hoping it will be okay if I just leave it alone. I will try to take some photos and update on its progress if anyone is interested in following along with how the upside-downer does..
If the air cell is at that end, and large enough, they can hatch in the normal fashion. Sometimes chicks do get malpositioned inside the egg. Keep us posted. Hope the little guy makes it. :)
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No further progress to report since this morning.
Since it pipped earlier than expected (I collected eggs over a 5-day period, and this was one of my later ones), I've decided to wait it out and to not interfere. I have two more that are pipped and working on a partial zip. Don't want to open the incubator to check on it just yet, but still holding out hope that it will hatch okay. If anything changes, I will definitely give an update and more photos.
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Thank you so much GrandmaBird. The little guy made it
. Of course, I completely missed it, as I finally went to bed at 1:30am, and he decided to make his big escape somewhere between then and 6:40am. He's a strong little guy too, and the first to run around the brooder while the two earlier babies were still wobbling. Out of 6 eggs, three of them have hatched. I still have the other 3 in the incubator, so am hoping they will make their appearance either today or tomorrow. Here is a photo of the current gang. The larger chick in the background is one that is around 5 days old (not one that we hatched).......

I had a chick last year hatch and thrive from the small end

and even now I just noticed a pip on small end and am not worried

they seem to make it ok

congrats on your little guy
Thanks TwoCrows! Still patiently awaiting the others...
I think my eyeballs are burning a hole through the incubator, so I'm going to shovel some snow and see what happens while I'm gone. It seems that all the action always happens when I'm not around to witness.
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