External roll away nest box addition


Free Ranging
13 Years
Jan 20, 2011
middle TN
I have an egg eater currently in the chick coop while I resolve the issue.

I'm swapping the current nest box arrangement for this two nest, roll-away design. I wanted something that would not protrude too much from the coop to keep it under the existing roofline but would be entirely external. They take turns in their preferred box currently so switching to only two nests rather than the 4 they had doesn't seem like a downgrade.

The egg retrieval doorway right now is 48" x 10" so I will remove the door, cut the center out to reattach (blocking access to the egg retrieval zone) and then install this box over the top of the two remaining 12x10 holes.

The next boxes inside will be replaced by a perch in front of the new entrances to the external box. I am simply moving the support brackets from the inside to the outside and using a basic cleat attachment at the top as the weight will be entirely supported from below.

I need to cut my nesting pads -- this roll of artificial turf just happened to be 24" wide and has a direction to the grass so it seemed perfect. I have two more handles to install, a piece of aluminum siding to adhere to the top for a roof, and some little door latches that are beyond raccoon skills and are being delivered tomorrow. Then it will be ready!

This box is built entirely of reclaimed wood, leftover hardware, and scraps so parts are a bit ugly. I used some stainless steel corner brackets my husband got as free samples to reduce the need for extra wood for support and keep the weight down. It's surprisingly light! I am amused by how the egg door window came out.

I relied heavily on Opa's building pictures and I am very thankful for that resource!


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That's a great design, thanks for sharing. I hope it gets your egg eating under control!
I added some curtains where the eggs roll under. It's less of a concern since I have the eggs rolling such a distance, they likely could not reach if they tried. But, I would rather they not try. These are made from part of an old tractor inner tube.

I love how the fake grass looks! There was plenty to cut some to swap out when these pieces get soiled and need washed.


  • PXL_20240517_185348057.jpg
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That's a great design, thanks for sharing. I hope it gets your egg eating under control!
Oh, so do I! I hope It solves other issues like broody behavior developing because we're away for the weekend and the eggs pile up. I wish I had known before, I would have built it like this to start with.
Interesting design, let us know how it works out long term.
Broodies will brood on nothing.
True, I have a silkie trying to hatch hay right now, and last year I had a Black Australorp broody inside a rollaway nesting box, but, she could somehow scoop eggs out of the collection spot and pull them up. She was very determined!
Almost finished!

I still need to move two more shelf brackets under it (two is technically enough with these heavy duty ones but I have 4 so no reason not to) and take down their old boxes inside.They can get to these already so they will get a look at them tonight and maybe they will like what they see and try them tomorrow. Dare I hope?


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Almost finished!

I still need to move two more shelf brackets under it (two is technically enough with these heavy duty ones but I have 4 so no reason not to) and take down their old boxes inside.They can get to these already so they will get a look at them tonight and maybe they will like what they see and try them tomorrow. Dare I hope?
I hope they like them! Those look great, you're obviously a better carpenter than I am ☺️
I hope they like them! Those look great, you're obviously a better carpenter than I am ☺️
I was SO happy that my measurements were correct so the base supports align with the wall studs. I measured multiple times because it seemed pretty important for the brackets to attach to solid wood on both sides.

This is the first thing I have built without my husband taking over the project. The kids are home from college for the summer and provided assistance and creative ideas (the four little carriage bolts through the plexi was one of them saying he thought they'd like an "industrial chicken" design). And, the availability of hardware through the Vine program was a major factor, it was a challenge to see how little I could spend and still have it come out functional and durable.

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