Extra Light

"As a side note I noticed my infrared lights on my camera was waking the hens up way too early so I now turn them off at night and they sleep right up to lights on time."

The infrared on my camera is but a tiny red dot. It's visible to the girls but it doesn't actually cast any light. My girls could care less about it. I like the idea of the lights in the pen. My heated waterer is indoors but the feeder is out in the pen. Their auto pop door is photo cell operated so should go up with a light out there. Few worries about predators getting into the pen. My pen is built like fort knox and we are in the burbs.

We had a hawk attack in October while I was standing 20ft away. Luckily they all escaped. But only 1 of the 6 has laid since. First the trauma and then the molt started. I have been considering lighting. Glad to learn I should wait until the molt is over for the last 2 stragglers.
I got this portable solar LED light from Amazon:
Do you think that's enough to stimulate egg production?
The light needs to be bright enough to read a newspaper in the area furthest from light. 14 hours is minimum suggested, but I have a 32 month old Golden Comet laying 5 eggs a week.
I only add light in the morning at 5. Sunset today is 4:21. So less than 11 1/2 hours. Could be because she is a sex-links chicken? I have 2 other Comets same age. One retired from laying at 24 months, the other quit laying when sunset happened at 4:30 and is molting. 20181130_084605.jpg . GC
My hens are just 7 months old now. They started laying in early September. I turn on an LED light at 5:30 am, then let them out in the run at sunrise - around 7 am right now. They have been producing over 2 dozen eggs per week. They go in the coop at dusk to roost which is around 4:30 pm. So I'm guessing their productivity is due to their age? I don't use the light in the coop in the evening because I heard that it's best for the sunset to guide them to their roosts for the night. Feedback?

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