Extremely Lethargic - Green Poop - Mite Infestation

If the poop is still green after tube feeding, he may have a blockage in his digestive system. Keep us updated.

What can I do to help that??
When I gave him the electrolyte water he would make a werid gurgly swallowing noise every minute or two, but I know he was swallowing more often than that.
Did you force feed him the electrolyte water? If so did you use a tube? Some could have gotten in his lungs by accident. I wouldn't worry about that unless he is gasping a lot for air.
Did you force feed him the electrolyte water? If so did you use a tube? Some could have gotten in his lungs by accident. I wouldn't worry about that unless he is gasping a lot for air.

I forced it into his mouth, but not down his throat. I didn’t have a tube one the syringe, just the short nozzle. He wasn’t gasping for air so I wasn’t too concerned about it, just I wasn’t sure what the noise was.
I’m sorry for the late update.

I spent the whole day bathing the chickens and cleaning the coop entirely out. I sprayed Bronco Fly Spray all over the empty coop, and put in new wood shavings. I washed my 12 silkies and 3 polish chickens with a mixture of water, dawn dish soap, and Bronco Fly Spray in a spray bottle. Sprayed them and rinsed it out. Killed majority of the mites. Added dust baths in the coop. Separated the 3 infested chickens from the rest, who didn’t have many mites. My rooster Eddie made it through the night, but isn’t by any means thriving. At least he didn’t get worse since last night. I bought syringes and fed the two worst hit chickens (my polish rooster, and 1 of my polish hens) the baby bird formula suggested earlier. It did seem to make their poops less green. I also fed them electrolyte water, and put electrolytes in their water for the night. I hope my other chickens are okay. My rooster still is mostly dropping his head, although he was talking a bit, eating a bit, and jumping up onto his roost tonight.
What can I do to help that??
When I gave him the electrolyte water he would make a werid gurgly swallowing noise every minute or two, but I know he was swallowing more often than that.
Please post some photos of him and his poop.

I would be very careful syringing fluids into him.

The gurgling is also concerning, as is him drooping his head.

With a Polish, he may be suffering from Wry Neck, hard to know. I would get some vitamins into him that contain E and B1 (Thiamine).

The gurgling - please check his crop - what does it feel like?

Offer wet feed and keep him warm - he needs to be kept at around 70-75F.
Bathing is sick chicken is very risky, it can send them into shock. Make sure he is dry, even if keeping him in and warm.

The rooster, Eddie, has much more energy today. He was eating & drinking by himself, crowing, walking around, and was holding his head up well. After a little while, he started dropping his head again.
One of my polish hens health has gotten worse. She is now doing the head dropping like Eddie was yesterday. I checked my 3 chickens who had significantly more mites, and today I didn’t see a single living mite on them. My polish hen has green poop still, and I gave her more baby bird formula & electrolyte water.

Here’s a video of the head dropping today


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