Eye Infection?!!


5 Years
Apr 24, 2014
Hello all, I went away on vacation for 18 days and just came home, I had someone watering, feeding and bedding down my ducks, I just went out to see them and give them treats and hold everyone and my male cayuga and 1 of my saxonys have this brown matted dirty stuff by their eyes, the cayuga is worse than the saxony, I took some baby wipes out and tried wiping it off but its so hard and matted theres,no way its just going to wipe off...I'll post photos when I go out to fill their waterer because I know its easier to diagnose with photos but until I get the photos, does anyone know what couldve happened? They always have fresh shavings, water available 18 hours a day, and 24 hour access to food, they also have a heat lamp (dont tell me they dont need it, they are my ducks and it lets me sleep at night knowing they have it.). I'm not sure if the girl I had caring for them gave them their pool to clean their noses out and bathe themselves....
Hello all, I went away on vacation for 18 days and just came home, I had someone watering, feeding and bedding down my ducks, I just went out to see them and give them treats and hold everyone and my male cayuga and 1 of my saxonys have this brown matted dirty stuff by their eyes, the cayuga is worse than the saxony, I took some baby wipes out and tried wiping it off but its so hard and matted theres,no way its just going to wipe off...I'll post photos when I go out to fill their waterer because I know its easier to diagnose with photos but until I get the photos, does anyone know what couldve happened? They always have fresh shavings, water available 18 hours a day, and 24 hour access to food, they also have a heat lamp (dont tell me they dont need it, they are my ducks and it lets me sleep at night knowing they have it.). I'm not sure if the girl I had caring for them gave them their pool to clean their noses out and bathe themselves....
Sound like until you can get the gink out your not going to know what your dealing with, I'd takes some nice warm salt water you can make it yourself . and just let it run over the eye area until you can get the matt off then you can check for scratches do you think they could have been fighting? also washing the eye with warm salty water will help clear up inflammation . If you have Veterycin spray for wounds and infection use that after you get them cleaned up. It maybe like you said they just didn't get to wash their faces off good.
Sound like until you can get the gink out your not going to know what your dealing with, I'd takes some nice warm salt water you can make it yourself . and just let it run over the eye area until you can get the matt off then you can check for scratches do you think they could have been fighting? also washing the eye with warm salty water will help clear up inflammation . If you have Veterycin spray for wounds and infection use that after you get them cleaned up. It maybe like you said they just didn't get to wash their faces off good.
No, they couldn't have been fighting, everyone gets along very well, theres only 4 of them and a gander....I will try the salt water and pray that it gets it off...he looks terrible :(
No, they couldn't have been fighting, everyone gets along very well, theres only 4 of them and a gander....I will try the salt water and pray that it gets it off...he looks terrible
aww poor baby well you may have to keep at it for a while to soften it up but get a pic too. maybe rinse for a while to soften then try picking it off then rinse for a while, you'll probably get it but it may take a while.
aww poor baby well you may have to keep at it for a while to soften it up but get a pic too. maybe rinse for a while to soften then try picking it off then rinse for a while, you'll probably get it but it may take a while.
How much salt do I put per gallon of water? im gonna take a bucket of warm,water out and let everyone dunk their heads in and than bring another bucket of salt water and wipe his eyes with that....than maybe ill take their pool out if I can find it under all the snow :confused:
How much salt do I put per gallon of water? im gonna take a bucket of warm,water out and let everyone dunk their heads in and than bring another bucket of salt water and wipe his eyes with that....than maybe ill take their pool out if I can find it under all the snow
for a gallon maybe a couple tablespoons taste it you don't want so salty it's going to burn you just want it to be salty enough it will relieve the irritation . or if you have saline wash you can use it.probably a bucket of warm salt water would be good but I wouldn't let them drink it it may cause dehydration. Just use it top clean the eyes real well then take a bucket of water with some Apple Cider vinegar in it 2 Tab to 1 gal for them to wash their faces in. If the pool is under snow that can wait till a better day you mainly want them to be cleaning out their eyes.

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