Eye injury


In the Brooder
Sep 1, 2022
One of my Sapphire gems sustained an eye injury 4 days ago. I’ve been using saline wash and treating with Vetrimycin eye gel and she is opening the eye but there is no pupil so I’m assuming she may now be blind in this eye. She seemed ok but depressed by herself so I put her back outside with the other girls yesterday and kept an eye on her. She seemed happier but In the evening she hesitated going into pen and coop but with a little encouragement she put herself to bed.

This morning she lingered in pen but finally came out but was not foraging with others and I found her huddled by a bush by herself.

I’m new to chickens and my main flock are about 12 weeks old. My first experience with an injury. Should I keep her separated from flock for a few more days?

I would appreciate any advice.
One of my Sapphire gems sustained an eye injury 4 days ago. I’ve been using saline wash and treating with Vetrimycin eye gel and she is opening the eye but there is no pupil so I’m assuming she may now be blind in this eye. She seemed ok but depressed by herself so I put her back outside with the other girls yesterday and kept an eye on her. She seemed happier but In the evening she hesitated going into pen and coop but with a little encouragement she put herself to bed.

This morning she lingered in pen but finally came out but was not foraging with others and I found her huddled by a bush by herself.

I’m new to chickens and my main flock are about 12 weeks old. My first experience with an injury. Should I keep her separated from flock for a few more days?

I would appreciate any advice.
Can you post photos of her, the eye and her poop?
Can you post photos of her, the eye and her poop?

She’s doing fine today. I babied her yesterday and continue to treat her eye. She’s back with the flock and seems more like her old self. I’ll continue to keep close watch but she’s eating and pooping normally.

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