Eye worm or something else?-update with pictures


6 Years
Sep 23, 2013
One of my laying hens has been having an eye problem for about a month now.
Out of the eight hens I have, she is the only one suffering from this. Initially, I have been cleaning her eye with various essential oils such as Eucalyptus, cintronella and blackseed(nigella) and it did seem to get better. Back then, though it still looked weird, I was still able to see a bit of her eye too. But after a weekend way and a damp weather condtion my poor chook's eye started to get a lot worse. She is still active, has a big appetite and doesn't show any breathing problem or such. She does scratch her eye occasionally and wipes the discharge on her feathers a lot though and performs this strange full body strech now and then.

As I'm writing from Belgium, I can't get hold of VetRex. Feed stores don't sell medicine here so all I was able to get was a tube of antibiotic eye ointment from the pharmacy. I have been advised to chemically deworm my whole flock from my initial post but before I go ahead with it, I want to make sure that it is eye worms that I am dealing with. Please advice, she is a good-natured chook and I really want to get rid of this thing for her as soon as possible. Unfortunately, visiting a vet is way to expensive here so we have to deal with this by ourselves. Many thanks in advance.

(the worm looking thing in the corner of her eye you see in this picture is not visible with the naked eye. I am guessing it's some kind of camera thing here)
You need to remove the pus from that eye. Try using a damp q tip. Then put antibiotic ointment in it. If it is respiratory, it needs Tylan.
After looking back at the pictures, are those dark spots scabs? Or dirt on the comb and wattles? It may be fowl pox. Hoping someone else comments soon. Good luck
After looking back at the pictures, are those dark spots scabs? Or dirt on the comb and wattles? It may be fowl pox. Hoping someone else comments soon. Good luck

It definitely could be pox or a secondary sinus infection from pox, either way, the pus needs to come out. Not sure how to treat eye worms or if they cause infections like that.

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Sorry that I was out most of day. Yes, it looks like wet pox to me also. Maybe the worm looking object is just a bubble, but it sure resembles a worm. It shows how pictures can lie. Can that pus pocket be removed very easily? Would Baytril be the best treatment for that Casportpony?
I think Dawg has said to use Valbazen with equal part water, and apply to the eye for eyeworm. It would probably be a good idea to also give the Valbazen by mouth, too. That is, if there is eyeworm there and not an illusion.
It definitely could be pox or a secondary sinus infection from pox, either way, the pus needs to come out. Not sure how to treat eye worms or if they cause infections like that.


I agree with Kathy.
If you can get a homeopathic medicine in Belgium. You can give Variolinum 30 two drops twice a day in little water. drench with tube; and in drinking water add Nat Sulph 30. She will be fine in three to four days.

Thanks everyone for your kind reply.
After reading your replies, I carefully cleaned her face and wattle and realised that she did seem to have a few black spots on her wattle.
Also, her wattle had slight patches of dry skin coming off around the corners (like allergy skin reaction or something). I have checked the whole flock and noticed that a few other chooks also had a bit of black spots on their wattle though they are not showing any signs of infections or other problems. I am guessing that the others chooks are healthy enough to not take the pox too hard where as the one with the eye problem probably had been less healthy.

I will check if I can get the homeopathic medicine here. As I would rather not give my chooks harsh chemicals, I want to try my best to get through this with natural home remedies and probably good maintanance of their environment.(would really appreciate it if you have any ideas...) I have checked carefully for worms in her eye, but I think that was just an illusion in the picture. The pus pocket is coming off bit by bit when I clean her eye now. I haven't tried squeezing it out as I don't want to stress her too much. Thank you all once again and I will keep things updated. :)
Sorry that I was out most of day. Yes, it looks like wet pox to me also. Maybe the worm looking object is just a bubble, but it sure resembles a worm. It shows how pictures can lie. Can that pus pocket be removed very easily? Would Baytril be the best treatment for that Casportpony?

It's quite possible that the pus is actually in the eye and that the bird has lost the eye (have had a few of them in mine). Baytril is what I use, but it won't clear up the pus, that and possibly the eye need to be removed. Not sure what antibiotics one can get in Belgium...


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