Fabric Design *update* I placed 5th and my fabric will be on the runwa


9 Years
Jul 19, 2010
SW Montana
In my spare time (because there is so much of it
) I like to design fabric. Mostly I design on www.spoonflower.com but I recently submitted an entry for a bikini fabric contest. Low and behold I made it to the top 20 and voting for the finalist starts now and ends on June 6th. So if anyone wants to help me out and check out the voting I would certainly appreciate it. My fabric is Floral Sizzler with an orange background and pink flowers. Voting is easy, you just click like, no signing up or scrolling through pages of designs. Thanks!

If you want to check out some of my other fabric designs you can go to http://www.spoonflower.com/profiles/coveredbydesign

I placed 5th out of the final 20, won a prize and my fabric will be on one of Milk Baby's Bikinis on the runway June 9th for the LA RAW fashion show! I am so thrilled! Thanks for the support!
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This is awesome! Very creative girl! I have often wondered about fabric design (especially when I cant find just what I want) Who do you even contact for such a thing to happen? Do you pay to print or do they pay you for your idea?
You should check out www.spoonflower.com. You can even register for free or browse their blog and other designs. That is where I normally upload my designs and have the fabric printed. They have lots of help and suggestions for designing and uploading designs as well as sell fabric from other designers. If you design a fabric then you can purchase it, or just leave it in your design's page until you are ready to purchase it. Then once you have ordered the fabric or a swatch of it for yourself you have the option of having spoonflower sell it for you. Then you get a percentage of what somebody purchases the fabric for, and spoonflower takes care of printing, shipping and all of that. Its quite wonderful really. There are also lots of designers, some who do custom work and some who have a lot of different designs available for purchase. I do some custom design work as well. www.fabricondemand.com offers design upload and printing but at this time they do not have fabric sales. If I really wanted to get serious about fabric design I would take the designs to the big companies such as Micheal Miler/Alexander Henry and others and get them to contract my designs. Then I would get royalties from the fabric that they print and sell with my design. I just haven't wanted to take anything that big on yet, lol. Hope that answered a few questions and Thanks!
They changed the ending time to the 3rd of June so they could make sure and get the swimsuits done in time for the runway. So I could really use some more votes and feel free to share the link!

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