Fabric organization help


BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Jan 11, 2007
NE Washington State
Yes I am having an obsessive moment where I have this NEED to organize my fabrics by color.
I am looking online for a chart telling me the proper progression of colors if I start with white and progess to black.

This is my main fabric wall. I also have 2 other sections with specialty fabrics, like flannel and bolts and apron specfic fabric. I also have not unpacked about a third of my fabric.


This is driving me CRAZY!
It is SUCH a mess!

Can anyone help? Or can give me a valium and tell me to chill and it is not all that important?
Like a color wheel that painters use?

....just add white before yellow and black after red violet (or whatever the darkest is...).

ETA: Sure you don't want to also sub-divide according to your the pattern on the fabric....Calicos, Paisleys, Florals, Plaids, Stripes, etc, etc, etc.????

If you want to be obsessive, I can help!
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Yes, Tammy! You UNDERSTAND!!!!

Yes, each color is subdivided.
for example each one has
Of course, this is only colors. I also have catagories, like Juvenile, Reproductions, Foods, Farm, Chickens, Waterfowl, Christmas(subdivided into colors) and Polka Dots
Personally, I would divide them into the colors first and then subdivide each color into your fabric types (velvets, cotton, wools) and then into pattern types (reproductions, juv, florals). If you want a red velvet reproduction then you go to that shelf.

ETA: If you have specific projects like your aprons then maybe it would be better to separate out those fabrics. I know I'm kind of covering all bases here but maybe FIRST you prioritize your projects, then decide how to manage the fabric.

ETAA: I think I just repeated here what you said above...! Sorry!
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Someone call 911
Your fabrics are beautiful and bountiful....BUT.........you need to get a grip! Separate them in to colors - you know all the shades of the primary colors...then divide into fabrics as previously suggested but then.................GIVE IT A REST.
Hon, if you need something to do then you must start sewing more aprons and have more give-a-ways.

I seriously thought you had way too much on your plate to begin with but now?????????????? LOL

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