Fair price for breeding stock? 20 yrs developing silver laced Brahmas

Dang! Can I cash in my Wal-Mart discount??
Wow I'm really surprised people didn't flock to them, and pay crazy ammounts. People are funny with their fads. I remember when it was BLRW they would go for around $80 a dozen. So I got myself some thinking they are pretty and now the price is lowered down to like $25.

Now the fad is lavender and Mille Fleur. And I know as soon as my birds get old enough to lay no one will want lavender or Mille Fleur anymore. lol

I still think you would have good luck on eggbid.

The market is very inpredicable in birds. Sometimes you get lucky and have something everyone can't live without. Or you can have really amazing birds, and no one wants them. I wish you the best of luck. You have very pretty birds, that you worked really hard on I'm sure.
Hi Gary,
Your birds were to die for. Had we had the room I would have gotten some for our yard. But I can go see them anytime, now that there are two over at Kay's place. She lives right up the road for us. I'm looking forward to see what she can do with them. If anyone can get them out into the show bird world it's her. Nice visiting with you at the show.
I have an AARP sample card sitting right here on my desk
I got it in the mail and my husband made sure it was on my desk on the morning of my 40th birthday~LOL He's a brat
Your birds are amazing. If you do decide to sell hatching eggs, please consider us as a home for some of them.
Appreciate the kind words. I genuinely enjoyed enjoyed meeting and talking to everyone, apparently so much so that it took me about a day to get my voice back.
In order to be "in" on a fad, I think you have to be in on it right from the start. Really the best way, is to create your own color like big medicine has done.
These birds are beautiful and I am sure they will be catching on quickly. I wonder if this can be done in bantam....lol.
Just wanted to post some pictures of the chicks. The cockerels are just now starting to show much of anything, still alot of growing to go.


a cluster of pullets, you kind of get the idea of why this works for zebras

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