Fair price for breeding stock? 20 yrs developing silver laced Brahmas

My real purpose with this auction is to help learn the process of selling, shipping, receiving payment, etc. with less valuable eggs before I start with the silver laced Brahma eggs. Hopefully learning enough to avoid getting negative feedback and build a strong rep on more active sites. (Unless of course someone bids a penny)

So you think I need to channel a little P.T. Barnum, I'll try to work on that.

I had someone PM me, I'll share part of my response. "You want to know what I really want out of them?........hmmm........ First I'd like to show the wife I was not nuts putting the time, effort, and money into developing these birds. Eventually I would like to become independently wealthy. If that all goes well I may very well consider branching out into world domination, but I'll play that by ear."
Oh my stars are they glorious! Wow-you should be incredibley proud of your work and the end result of it.
I'm so excited about the Blue Laced Red coloring. Loving your birds!
I just wanted to give folks a heads up that I posted more Blue Laced Red Brahma project eggs here. I wanted to get feedback from the winner of the first auction as to packing technique and fertillity before posting more eggs.

Yea i could have seen him getting away with sellin a pair for more than $500 like Greenfire farms did when they imported the light sussex even though he did alot more work and created them.

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