Fair price for breeding stock? 20 yrs developing silver laced Brahmas

Out of my league, but they are very beautiful.

I have a fondness for Brahmas though, so I'm always biased in their favor.
These look like a lot of hard work and dedication. What anyone asks for stock depends on why they are offering it. If money is the object sell for as much as anyone will pay. If someone is trying to get birds into the hands of other like minded individuals the money end of things may not matter at all. It just depends on the long range goals that the individual has.
I agree, it's the folks you don't know that are the grey area. You want the price to hopefully weed out the cassually interested, who if the did get some, might just as likely run them in a mixed flock, hatching whatever crosses that result, losing all the work put in to get them to that point.

Dealing with birds of this size, in the numbers required for projects of this magnatude, feed costs get to be a real issue. With a second daughter in college, these birds are having to start pulling their own weight, it's as simple as that. If not the blue laced reds would not have been public untill they were on a par with the silver laced.

Shameless self promotion here, there a batch of blue laced red eggs listed in the hatching egg section here on BYC.
Our first BLR Brahma hatched today!
It was still all wet when I saw him/her, no pics yet (probably tomorrow). Two more of the eggs are pipped!


This first chick definite looks to be shades of blue!
Wow, those are probably the most beautiful birds I have seen in a long time! Silver laced.....I'll have to remember that for my retirement breed.
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