Fair price for breeding stock? 20 yrs developing silver laced Brahmas

I just read through all 18 pages and I would Pay much more than $200 for a Pair of your SL Brahmas. I think these birds are beautiful and I am glad to see that you are happy with your Progress thus far! what are your future goals for the SL Brahma? have you thought about working on a Gold Laced variety? Thanks

I read through this thread and they are absolutely beautiful. Would love to see more current pics of your endeavors.
Some of the old gals.

Young F1 cockerel likely to go into breeding pen with the old gals.

Some of the blue laced red project birds.

A couple of the males sneaking a drink out the bucket fill overflow, near one oranger than prefered.

X 2
Wow! gobstopping!



Thanks for the update. I like that young rooster, he looks neat with just that little bit of lacing on his breast area.



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