Fairy egg!

Fairy eggs never get old! Every time I come across one I am as equally as excited as the first time..I’m kinda of corny like that though!
Yes, we were so excited and screaming!! 😂 what was funny was our chicken didn't even seem to notice the egg, its like it fell out while she was walking!
Here's all the insides of the fairy egg, a LOT of albumen!
I sometimes do the Ukrainian method to dye full sized eggs, with the beeswax and multiple colors of dye? Some people blow out the innards and some don’t. But if you’ve ever tried to submerge a hollow egg in dye, you’ll know why I leave them intact! That’s how I found out that over weeks to months they will just dry out naturally. As long as they are clean and not cracked they should do fine. I always get excited to find one, too!

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