My runners were very skittish when I got them at 6 months old. I’m confident they were not abused. They would mash themselves up into a wall to get away from me. They’re much better, a year later now, they will not totally freak when handled, and like being near me.

The main thing that pointed me toward abuse/discipline was the bit where they get in the pool and play/swim and then immediately try to get out if they saw WannabeHillbilly watching them. Not even approaching them, just watching them and seeing them in the water. I'm wonder if they got into or made a mess with their water and the former owners literally yelled at them or punished them for doing that.
Things got a bit better today, i sat down at the house while they were outside in their run and they did not tried to turn themselves into linguini by squeezing through the fence, they just went to the other end and watched me:

Looked at me as if they said »come any closer and we bite you!«

I am now almost certain there are three drakes, the white bibbed duck, the blue one to the left and one of the Runners. :hit No idea about the crested one yet…
I won't be able to keep another three (maybe four) drakes here!!! :(
Unless i get another 15-20 ducks… :cool:

And at least the jumped into their water bowl while i was outside today, maybe the example of the other ducks helped them to overcome their fear:

Finally my garden-hose-b*tch thawed today, so i could clean the duck-house and fill-up the kiddie pool. Now Blanca Duck is blanca again and not Brownie Duck!
It's the personality of the Runner. I love all traits they have and to watch the changers they make over time of loving and caring for them is just special!
I Love all my Duckies! The Runners were my first ducks and you never forget your first. Blanca and her white layer sisters are just goofy and so friendly, the Magpies/Swedish always say "duck duck!" when I walk by and the Buffies make the biggest tantrum when the FedEx guy delivers a package...
I was cleaning the duck house yesterday with buckets of water when Nona Duck was standing in the door, just watching me scrubbing the floor as if to say thanks for cleaning our dining room.
Can't wait to figure out the characters of the five ducknagers.
They are amazing birds! Once I saw a fawn and white runner, I knew I had to get one. My black runner has more personality, but my fawn and white doesn’t fight once I pick him up.
All my ducks relax once I picked them up. Just one asking look "you won't eat me?" and they relax. Bazilla actually enjoyed a belly rub.
Just picking them up is the problem...
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