As people told me: »Never name your food!«
But i'm willing to learn, thinking about building a large chicken tractor and buying some Frying Pan Bargain rooster chicks from Meyer Hatchery in Ohio this year. They won't be named!
My last batch didn't get names for this very reason. Luckily, I found two of them homes. Guessing drake remains unnamed
As people told me: »Never name your food!«
But i'm willing to learn, thinking about building a large chicken tractor and buying some Frying Pan Bargain rooster chicks from Meyer Hatchery in Ohio this year. They won't be named!
Or call them gumbo, nuggets, etc.
It's a mind set and if names (or not) help go for it.
I found it truly gratifying to eat extra cockerels instead of begging other people to take them....tho yes it was hard to kill them, even harder for the older hens.
They might, might not. My 2 runners don’t fight each other, but one of them wants to kill one of my pekins during breeding season, so they’re separated by a fence they can see each other through.
Problem with keeping the drakes separate ist that i have only one real duck-house, yes two bedrooms but only one door. So i could keep them in separate areas during the day, but overnight it would be a kill-zone…
And it looks more and more like four drakes! :hit
Only one of the runners quacks so far and the other four look very drake-ish, wider bill, thicker head more massive body. :(
Hatched two spare roosters here this year. Beautiful boys but they had to go. It's not an easy decision but for the good of the flock. I had 5 Runner drakes hatch this year from 6 ducklings Thankfully @CrystaBub Found awesome homes and the boys got to go in pairs. This has defiantly been the year of the drake.

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