I though the ducknagers are ready to join the rest of the flock this weekend, but today they are back to being crazy skiddish, almost suicidal! :(
The two blue drakes stuck their head through the same mesh in the fence, in order to escape the »evil humon« who was filling up their water bowl, using »the red bucket of death« and promptly got stuck, squeaking like piglets at the butcher.
So the »evil homon« came to them and neither ripped their heads off, nor swallowed them whole, but freed them. In absolute panic the two drakes literally rolled down the hill (really, they both stumbled and rolled down to the coop-door!) and bumped their bodies into the cave so hard that i thought they've broken their necks. - They didn't, fortunately.
The other ducks were watching the scene in disbelieve…
Would i let them join the flock and they experience that kind of panic attack, they could trigger a duck-pede, leading to injuries or worse, i'm afraid.
On the other hand their house and their run starts to smell, despite daily cleaning and the brown drake tried to mate with the runner girl in the water bowl, so they are ready.
The flock is mostly ignoring them, nobody has tried to pull them through the fence and eat them, Earthquack and Bazilla were just pranking yesterday, they do that all the time with all ducks, even with the large drakes.
My idea was to leave the large door of the vacation-house open tomorrow and see what will happen. Ducks from the flock may join the ducknagers in their territory or the younglings may venture out, but both sides have the opportunity to retreat to their turf.
What do you think friends?
As announced, i left the large door open most of the day and nothing happened. Everybody stayed for themselves until ~5pm when some of Katharinas ducks ventured into the ducknager cave aka. vacation home and started a little brawl…
So far everything went well and in the end the ducknagers came out to the others.
Reception wasn't too friendly, but also not bad at all.
I have four long videos - that damn phone stops recording at 10 Minutes and takes ages to »process« the video, currently resizing and the uploading. It looks promising, can't wait to see what will happen at bed-time…
No idea where the ducknagers want to sleep this night.

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