:lau:gig Blanca may be forced I to a diet after all with these ducknagers around!! Teenage boys do love to eat and eat...and eat!!
Boy you can say that again @DiYMama540 i only had one but he made up for 10. lol
Oh YES! Just looked into the pellet feeder and oh dear! Either a wild hog has found its way into the duck house or four young drakes have almost emptied out what should have been enough feed until Saturday… :eek:
Wow! The Ducknagers are being taught all the nasty things a nice duck should not do:
It was very quiet outside. Very, very quiet! Usually even if they are all sleeping somewhere there is still a "peep", a "quack" or a "rasp" from time to time. - NADA!
So i looked out of my office window - no duck there.
Walked to the dining room and looked out - no visible duck
Looked out of the Kitchen window - no trace of a duck
Guestroom window: Hell the whole flock is ½ on its way to the neighbor!
I opened the window and yelled "Hey Ducks!".
29 Periscope heads went up turned in my direction and in one quackpede everybody dashed back to the hole in the fence that a deer must have made last night…
Pssst! - Don't tell them that there's a pond up the hill… I won't be able to get them back out from there.

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