Fall Hatch! Anybody with me??

Woo Hoo!!

I'll help them once they've pipped and started to make the hole bigger and start zippinggand then just stopped and don't have any progress for at least 10*12 hours. That's the only time I will help them!!
The first one will hatch when you least expect it. I'll never forget my very first batch in March. Watched & watched and as soon as I left to go to the doctor my hubby sent me a pic not an hour later of the first baby!!
And what happens this time.. same thing!!
They are raising a ruckus in there! They stumble around peeping and then plop and fall asleep for 30 seconds, then repeat the cycle! I had a 4th just hatch. I had no idea one was close. The pipped ones have holes or cracks of various sizes and I figured it would be a while before the next one hatched, I look inside and one more light colored soggy baby snoozing!
This is better than any holiday!
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Isn't it wonderful!!
Chicken peeps just don't understand!!

Hey now I remember you asked about something hanging off of one of the chicks... Did you remove that question??
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I asked about some goo a chick was trailing, I though it might be an umbilical cord or something but it came off. I think it was just goo, random egg goo. I was worried for a bit but... no longer and issue so I just edited my post. Thanks though!
Okay.. I read it in my email on my phone but when I got to the computer I forgot about it. The all of a sudden I remembered!!

I've had the normal little eggy gook and I've also had one with a big glob of stuff that after a few days when it dried up I cut it off of them!!

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I'll give mine. Out of the last 4 eggs from the first set, one died in the shell and I candled the other 3 threw 2 away that had quit and put one back in there!! Hasn't done anything yet. One the 2nd set that were due today. 2 have hatched, and 3 that I can see so far have pipped!!

Hope all of your hatches are going great!!
Lemme see... 18 eggs - 4 = 14 into lockdown 4 eggs hatched into CHICKS so far! = 10 eggs left, 4 eggs have pipped and hope to see them today, 6 eggs ???

I have 4 chicks hatched. 2 light colored 1 w/out naked neck, 2 dark colored. I have 4 eggs pipped and making progress. 6 eggs I cannot tell.
Hard to take photos cause of light and chicks moving around. Of my 6 mystery eggs should I candle them? What should I look for? Today is day 22. I'm getting the brooder cozy.

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