Fall Hatch! Anybody with me??

That's not bad for shipped eggs!!
Let me know what your results are!!
Congrats!! Geez, not only did I just change incubators and put these eggs in mine I just won an auction for 10+ Splash Marans eggs!!
What was I thinking!!
Awww congrats everyone!! My phone (Internet) has been glitchy the past day or so but so far my 4 haven't hatched. My temp was real low the first 11 days so I'm thinking they're just late & kind of expected it, I candled today & all 4 are still alive with just a little bit of yolk & veining left so hopefully they'll be pipping in the next day or so. I forgot 3 hatches ago came out late when i used an inaccurate thermometer that shows it 3-4 degrees higher than it is, well I used that thermometer this time forgetting & they hatched on days 22-24. So yea lol. I'm so glad everyone has chickies, the pics are so much fun!!

Cielo, I don't know if you remember but in a post earlier in the thread I said I got 4 eggs that were larger (just slightly) & textured a tiny bit different, but not enough that someone who doesn't pay attention to notice. Anyways I was thinking maybe those aren't turkens, not a problem to me, just wondering if you got a few like that as well? If so maybe that's why you got a chick without a naked neck, I really hope you're other 6 hatch! They're absolutely adorable & it's fun to get a glimpse of what I'll hopefully get! Everyone's are exciting, I just love this board.

Keep your fingers crossed for me that my 4 make it out, they'll be my first silkie/showgirls & I actually love the partridge colored one s.
Congrats!! Geez, not only did I just change incubators and put these eggs in mine I just won an auction for 10+ Splash Marans eggs!!
What was I thinking!!

Well don't worry a bit, you can relax now because I guess I can take the Maran eggs off your hands...but just this once!
Lol, I'm actually planning on ordering some Maran eggs, I've had a ton of requests for them from local people I hatch for. I post in my local paper for people to request breeds they'd like to have but can't find around here & I then make a short list then order what's in demand. When they hatch I call everyone to see if they're still interested & if not they're not obligated to buy, it's a good way for me to help people out & at the same time satisfying my itch to hatch eggs!

I also just won an eBay auction for 30+ sq silkie eggs that include all the colors including a chance of paint! Also I'm ordering 24 bantam EE eggs tomorrow from a very nice BYC member on here, Woohoo :)
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Congrats!! Geez, not only did I just change incubators and put these eggs in mine I just won an auction for 10+ Splash Marans eggs!!
What was I thinking!!

Well don't worry a bit, you can relax now because I guess I can take the Maran eggs off your hands...but just this once!
Lol, I'm actually planning on ordering some Maran eggs, I've had a ton of requests for them from local people I hatch for. I post in my local paper for people to request breeds they'd like to have but can't find around here & I then make a short list then order what's in demand. When they hatch I call everyone to see if they're still interested & if not they're not obligated to buy, it's a good way for me to help people out & at the same time satisfying my itch to hatch eggs!

I also just one an eBay auction for 30+ sq silkie eggs that include all the colors including a chance of paint! Woohoo :)

Naw, I think I'll keep em!!
I think we might be hathcing into December!!
Hatch results!! I have 13 babies!!

2 Speckled Sussex!!

2 Golden Cuckoo Marans

9 BBS Marans (This is only 4, the other 5 I haven't got a pic yet!!
Lol I think you're right, nothing wrong with that!! I still have 72 quail due the 11th along with the 16 turkens the 13th & 6 geese eggs later this month. Oh hatching is so much fun, if only I could convince my husband how cool it is he might not complain about my bators taking up "his" extra room...ah he already claims the garage lol
All I have to say is O M G what a cute bunch of chicks, I bet you feel like one proud momma! Now I want to go downstairs & help hurry mine along, aw please come out lil ones!
All I have to say is O M G what a cute bunch of chicks, I bet you feel like one proud momma! Now I want to go downstairs & help hurry mine along, aw please come out lil ones!

I know right!!
Wanted to tell you I went to your website!! You have some nice looking dogs there!!
Oh, and my daughter is going to nursing school to. Good luck!

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