Fall Hatch! Anybody with me??

Aw thank you! I love competing with my hunting/show dogs, thats actually how my husband & I met then it ended up being our first date lol. We're definitely 2 pees in a pod! Congrats to your daughter for choosing nursing school, it's such a smart & great career choice, there's so many things you can do as a nurse that's not even in a hospital, it pays enough to comfortably raise a family on & you'll always have a job. It's tough but I hope she loves it, it's a struggle but so worth it in the end.
Meh. I think the remaining 6 are quitters.

I candled them and two were yolk, don't know how those made it past my first cut. 4 looked iffy, no movement that I could see but obvious development.

I float tested them. They all floated, two floated at more of an angle so I kept those, the other 4 I busted open and two yolkers like I said before and two chicks that look like they quit, not fully developed but almost. I very much doubt the two I put back will hatch. I just thought I'd give them a chance.

The three chicks left in my incubator are gradually getting more like chicks. They are so wobbly, wet and pathetic when they 1st hatch. They are a bit dryer and active. 2 dark and 1 light colored one. One of the dark looks like he has a feathered neck so that's 2 feathered necks and 5 naked neck chicks for me. I'm going to leave them in the incubator overnight and if they are dry and perky in the morning, i'll put them in the brooder with the others.

One of the newest chicks still looks to have a bit of yolk to absorb. He not got a lot of feathers and has the fat yolk belly. He's an extra naked naked neck! Seems okay though, not great, but okay. Hope he hangs in there. Might have to sew a sweater for it.


The 4 in the brooder are eating and drinking fine. All look to be pretty healthy.

What a relief to have 7 peeping chicks. It's been a stressful adventure. Wonderful but stressful! The Turkens are CUTE. They look like they have little feather hats. I'll try and get better pics later.

How are everyone else's hatches going?
Yea I hope she sticks with it. She's doing it all on her own so, so far so good!! She's 24 and works full time so she's been doing everything at night. In the spring her jobs going to let her go part time and then she'll go back full time when she's not in school. I'm so glad there working with her. She's already a liscensed massage therapist but decided that wasn't for her!!
Cielo, you have some cute babies there!!
And boy is that naked naked neck one really naked!! WOW!! That's crazy!!

Can't wait to see what the next couple days brings everyone!! I'm looking forward to seeing all the new babies!!
My sister in law is a ER nurse. I was interested in nursing for a while. It sounds like a wonderful job. I know the times I've been hospitalized I've really appreciated the nurses. I'm a firefighter and in EMT class right now. I know it's not close to what nurses must do but I'm enjoying it. If it goes well for me I may go to paramedic school. Anyhows...

Sheets. I asked about the feather necked Turkens in the breed thread and got back that sometimes parents will have only one naked neck gene and a chick will end up not getting it. "Not pure roo bred with not pure hen= 1/4 full fuzz, 1/2 not pure(big bowties with lots feathers), 1/4 pure(tiny bowties)." So my two feather necked just didn't end up with the NN gene.

Let me know how your Turken hatch goes. How many more days did you say you had left?

How could you tell your 4 were still alive? Moving? I ask because like I said. I've got two left that I'm really iffy on. I figure if they aren't moving they aren't alive right? The 2 I opened up were surely not moving at all.

:DBarred. Your babies look wonderful and healthy! Congratulations. I'll try and get some glamour shoots of mine tomorrow.

I have kits due anytime from one of my rabbit does, and another litter due in a week. It's baby city around here!

I'm a deputy and have been for 12 years, my husband also!! I don't envy nurses, EMT's or Paramedics.. Could be cause I have a week stomach
literally... I never thought my daughter would go this route but I'm super proud of her even though it means It'll take me longer to get that grandbaby I want. But since I'm only 41 I can wait a little longer!!

Yes, they all seen to be very healthy and no feet or leg problems. Last time my hubby had to cull one for me becuase his little legs just didn't work. I think it was even hard on him doing on that young. I know I cried a little (and that's just not me) but it's so tiny & helpless you know.
My 15 year old gave me he77...

What do you do with your rabbits?? Do you raise them to sell, for meat, to show??
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That's good to know about the NN percentage, I didn't know that. Even though they were on lockdown I candled them & saw movement in the tiny bit of yolk left, there wasn't much at all so it wasn't easy. It took up to 4 minutes to see one of them move. My turkens are on day 11, I was thinking they were a few days farther than that but I guess not after checking my calendar, so far still 16 developing...it looks like this thread is going to last at least through December with all of our new set eggs so I'll keep ya updated on them. My husband's friend is an EMT & I think that would be a fun job for guy & nursing is great for men & women. That's awesome you are a firefighter, any jobs that saves people's lives, police officers as well(!), I applaud. It's funny because it seems like half my family are nurses & the other half are cops lol, I have parents, cousins, aunts & uncles in both.

Barred Babies you've got plenty of time for a grand baby with your young age, but of course that doesn't help with the wait lol! I made my mom a grandma at the age of 35 then again at 37, then one of my aunts wasn't a mother until she was 41. Your daughter seems really smart, I can definitely see why you're so proud of her. I didn't make the best decisions when I was younger but I of course wouldn't change anything now for nothing, I finally got going straight, whew!
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Yeah, I'm all about the civil/public service jobs/work! I've benefited so much in my life from others sharing their skills/time and appreciate it greatly, I wouldn't be here still without it. I feel lucky to be in a position to be of service to my community now. I don't envy the work of the Police or Sheriff's dept, yikes! Go Barred! I respect and admire those in Law Enforcement as long as I'm not being racially profiled!
My town is 90+% Latino so politics are a little tricky here sometimes. Fire Service works closely with Law Enforcement often. I thought about going into law enforcement for a while, I still do sometimes, I think I could do well and enjoy it if... I just don't think I have the best personality for it, maybe someday. Farming, Firefighting and EMT work seems like the best fit for me for now. My parents are both in education and politics, my sister is going to grad school for occupational therapy, another sister is in law school... Sometimes helping others is the best way to help oneself.

I can't wait to have kids... Hopefully my 1st in the next year, I love human babies and kids! For now though it's fur and feathers for me.

I breed rabbits for meat. I have 2 Californian does, 1 New Zealand White buck and 1 New Zealand Red baby/future doe. The Red is new, just got her and she is gorgeous. Skittish though, gotta handle her more. I prefer rabbits to poultry for small animal home meat production. I'll post a pic later. It's about time like I said before for some critter glamour shots!
Oh, and that naked naked neck picture I posted? I asked on the Turken thread and I think she's the only "pure" type Turken I ended up with. A Turken with two NN genes. Those with one NN gene end up with the large bowties, partially naked necks. Those with none don't have a naked neck. Genetics!? Confusing
. I'm super curious to see what you end up with Sheets from your batch.
I just might have to pick your brain for rabbit information!!
We've been talking about raising them for meat also! We do Cornish X's in the spring!!

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