Fall Hatch! Anybody with me??

We are the only ones left in this thread.

Oh well!
Yay lockdown! Yay progressed! Cool LG! My sister borrowed an LG and hatched quite a bit in it, turkeys, geese, chickens. I think she also exploded some eggs in it... They are roomy.

How are your other babies doing? How many chicks do you have right now?

Since it's so late I can almost say that my eggs are due to hatch tomorrow! California Greys California Greys! I'm so excited for them to start moving. Now that I'm an old pro at incubating I am much less stressed.
Though I may sit and stare at the incubator all day and night Sunday... Sometimes those chicks just explode out.

Looks like it doesn't it?? How are your eggs doing???

EGGCELLENTE! I think at least... I got a first pip!!!

Here is a not so great photo. Egg on left... See the dark hole? PIP PIP PIP!

Hope it makes it out. Hope they all do. What do you shoot for on your lockdown humidity in your Brinsea?
How long from pip to zip? I know there is a huge range... Hooray. How are your eggs doing?
Looks like it doesn't it?? How are your eggs doing???

EGGCELLENTE! I think at least... I got a first pip!!!
Here is a not so great photo. Egg on left... See the dark hole? PIP PIP PIP!

Hope it makes it out. Hope they all do. What do you shoot for on your lockdown humidity in your Brinsea?
How long from pip to zip? I know there is a huge range... Hooray. How are your eggs doing?

That's awesome!!
As far as the humidity I don't really worry about it!! I njust fill the wells and that's it!


My first egg hatched! I woke up and looked in the incubator and saw it was close, I got to watch it hatch! It's so floppy and uncoordinated. 4/5 remaining eggs have pips including the wacky air celled one.

Lemme talk about this wacky air cell because I am impressed that it is still truckin. So like half the egg seems to be air cell and it doesn't just go all around evenly, it Vs deeply in towards the fat end of the egg. The chick in there has gotta be small or squashed... but it has pipped so we will see...

It is a miracle to me that an egg can become a chick in just 3 weeks!
Awe look how sweet!! I love when their all squishy & wet!! And I know what you mean about the air sack. I've had a couple like that. Can't remember if they hatched or not!!

Congrats on the new baby!!
Oopppsss BABIES..............

I just looked up the California Greys... Their beautiful birds!!
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