Fall Quilt Block Swap due October 15th

Everyone was talking about flying geese, I figured ya'll were speaking of another block for another swap- so I went back and looked at the solitaire pattern again. There was a PAGE 2! Okay, well I'll send mine in as they are, they'll just look different than ya'lls and your choice as to whether or not you use them in a quilt. Too late to start over with the fall to-do list:-( I've got 40 chicks coming next week so I'm already so busy!
Everyone was talking about flying geese, I figured ya'll were speaking of another block for another swap- so I went back and looked at the solitaire pattern again. There was a PAGE 2! Okay, well I'll send mine in as they are, they'll just look different than ya'lls and your choice as to whether or not you use them in a quilt. Too late to start over with the fall to-do list:-( I've got 40 chicks coming next week so I'm already so busy!

I'm sure they are going to be just fine and beautiful. Can't wait to see them.
If it is any consolation mine are probably the worst I have ever done. With my son's broken leg, trying to put my garden to bed, work has been super busy, and I had to rehome a rooster :(, I have been to busy to concentrate on mine so I apologize in advance. But as I have said before I love getting all of the different blocks back and love being part of these groups I hope you can tolerate them. So I am more than willing to overlook anyones imperfections for the mere fact mine are FAR from perfect. Thanks for letting me be a part of your groups.
Stephanie (PharmGirl)
Well mine are pretty close to 12.5. Phew! Was sewing away tonight and have all the flying geese done for the last 6 squares and started to attach them to the centers and suddenly my tension is shot. Ack! Not sure what the problem is. Tried new bobbin and retreading and jacking up the tension dial (which moderately helped). But something is suddenly wrong with my machine. Nooooooooooooo!!!

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