Fall Quilt Block Swap due October 15th

Here is my garden, notice the "giraffe" enclosure
, to keep the deer out! This is the best mine has ever done. Sorry to hear those that don't have time or Mother Nature has not cooperated.
Calling your garden enclosure "giraffe" reminded me of a fabric I saw that I was very tempted to get, only it didn't fit this swap. It was small giraffe print, but some of the giraffe "spots" were silloettes (sp) of actual giraffes, I thought it was cute tongue and cheek spin.
PharmGirl, I'm so jealous your garden is beautiful, mine for the most part is kaput mother nature just didn't think I needed to can anything this year.

lotsochicks yes as long as the color requirements are met and prints make for a more interesting block, you are the artist.

Who is going to be brave and post their block first, I have not even started this swap, so it won't be me.
Had to get the dreaded seam ripper out today, sewed one of the flying geese (or swimming ducks) upside down. Couldn't help myself, had to see how the swimming duck fabric looked.
Okay, guess I will post the pics, you guys are going to see them eventually anyway. These are basically the two versions I have the fabric picked out for, one w/ ducks one w/o. The center dark yellow family fabric comes out looking very orange, and while it is on the dark side in real life it has a definate yellow cast that doesn't really show in the pic. I hope they aren't to dissapointing for you real quilters in the group.

I also just noticed the yellow outer fabric on the non duck block looks tan, but in real life it is very yellow.

The dark blue in the center is leaves outlined w/ gold
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I think those are just beautiful, and you were worried.

For anyone Question? If I were to take (this is for the center triangles) two squares and right sides together sew along the outer edge all the way around then cut on the diagonal in both directions that would create 4 of the 1/2 triangles, for the correct size I would have to start with two 4.5 inch squares? I have not looked at the directions, I try to figure out how to make the block mentally by looking at the finished block. Or am I making this too complicated and I should read the directions? and that would not be a short cut?
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Thank you, yes I was very worried, both for my color choice (the center being so different then the outer) and my poor points, which look better in the pics (distance is my friend lol )

Your question is way above my pay grade. lol

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