Fall Quilt Block Swap due October 15th

What I ended up doing was sticking a pin through the seam into the other seam and it matched up perfectly! I know it probably is crazy that I didn't know that before!

Hannah in OK
I think those are just beautiful, and you were worried. 

Kat- I believe you are thinking of the center as a square-in-a-square. That may make it a bit more complicated but it can be done of course. If you see it as 4 squares making a square it is a bit easier, especially since you won't have to figure out 4 outside triangles. I'll find my Fons and Porter easy hourglass squares tutorial page and post a pic tomorrow hopefully....

For anyone Question?   If I were to take (this is for the center triangles) two squares and right sides together sew along the outer edge all the way around then cut on the diagonal in both directions that would create 4 of the 1/2 triangles, for the correct size I would have to start with two 4.5 inch squares?  I have not looked at the directions, I try to figure out how to make the block mentally by looking at the finished block.  Or am I making this too complicated and I should read the directions?  and that would not be a short cut?  
What I ended up doing was sticking a pin through the seam into the other seam and it matched up perfectly! I know it probably is crazy that I didn't know that before!

Hannah in OK
if you press the seams one block to one side and the other block to the other side then you can line up and 'lock' the diagonal seam like a zipper. (Sometimes it is harder to put the picture into words for explanation:))
The other images won't upload at the moment! I was afraid it would do it right in the middle- there are 3 more pics with a close up of the written instructions. I'll get them on as soon as it'll let me. Hope these help make it faster/ easier. BTW- I don't have all the 'fancy stuff' like the special rulers but anything can be adapted for the same purpose;-)

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