Fall Quilt Block Swap due October 15th

Oh My Goodness, do you know how long it's been since I've been on here, well don't worry about it. lol But I forgot my password.

Anyway do you have your 16 people? If not let me know.
I am new to doing quilt blocks. I have tried to make two different blocks and the seams on the outside don't match up. Is there anything that I am doing wrong? The seam allowance is 1/4".


Hannah in OK

Here is my first quilt block! I googled what I was doing wrong and figured it out!

Hannah in OK
Lotsochicks, like your block, congrats on figuring out your problem.

I didn't have issues w/ the outside, but that inner part was a hum dinger I thought. Took me a little bit to figure out how to consistently get It close to right. Here are a few things I figured out about it.................. when you mark the cut line on the lighter square (the diagonal line you sew on either side of) I mark both diagonal lines, only sew along the one, but I find the stitching makes the seam a little wonky so if you marked the straight line before any sewing you know exactly where to cut on both sides................................. after the triangles are sewed back together to form the 1/4 triangle squares, trim them true to 3.5 inches using the outside measure and the 45' line on the ruler not just cutting the tails off, if you true the square here your whole inner square will be much less wonky...................................... when they say scant 1/4 inch seam that is what they mean they aren't playing, not much wiggle room at all
I have to cut triangles big, sew, iron, and trim down to the correct square size before moving on. I finally relented after watching the how to videos for the Amish quilt by McCalls on youtube (I think it was that one).
This is the list of our blockers for this swap, we have one more space and then we are full.

Lacy Blues


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