Fallen Feathers -A Chicken Roleplay

“I guess we’ll just have to keep looking.” She said, a hint of tiredness creeping into her voice. “Isn’t the water all the way over by the volcano? It may be a small island, but that’s a pretty inconvenient distance. You never know though, maybe we’ll find some undiscovered water that’s closer.”
"That is my hope," Turtle said. It really wasn't. He just wanted it to rain and he wanted things to be the way they were before. He only agreed to this because Mongoose was getting on his nerves and he didn't want to look stupid.
Mockingbird bobbed her head as she walked over to the ruins of Men, where sweet coconutty hydration fell from the trees in hundreds, assuming the form of deadly bowling balls. Finding a ripe green fruit, Mockingbird began to peck furiously at the thick husk. Ugh, how come they have to be so thick? There has to be a way to break this thing open.
After a minute of angry pecking, the hole in the sticky green husk was little more than a scratch. "Ugh!" Mockingbird tried kicking it, but the nut didn't go anywhere. What good was a fruit that provided sweet, sticky syrup if you couldn't crack it open.
She moved over to one sitting between a couple of rocks, husk broken open, the obvious discard of some larger animal. But it most have been a very wasteful creature, because pools of the sweet liquid were still in the very bottom of the leathery green shell. As the unhindered sunlight compelled her to escape to the meager shade those trees provided, Mockingbird gulped down the sweet liquid. It tasted off, but her thirst caused her to ignore it.

"Mhm," Feathers said making an example of herself by slowly walking back in the direction of the flock.
He fluffed out his feathers, getting the dust out of them, then joined the flock. He noticed Mockingbird trying to open a coconut and once she left it to drink out of the other one, he decided he would try to open it. It would be good for the flock if they could get a nice drink for once. He casually walked over then started pecking it as hard as he could, slowly chipping away the hard husk, After a while he heard a satisfying CRACK as it split open. He carefully manuevered it so it wouldn't spill any of the vital liquid. "There's water over here." He clucked, hoping some of the nearby hens would come to take a drink.
He fluffed out his feathers, getting the dust out of them, then joined the flock. He noticed Mockingbird trying to open a coconut and once she left it to drink out of the other one, he decided he would try to open it. It would be good for the flock if they could get a nice drink for once. He casually walked over then started pecking it as hard as he could, slowly chipping away the hard husk, After a while he heard a satisfying CRACK as it split open. He carefully manuevered it so it wouldn't spill any of the vital liquid. "There's water over here." He clucked, hoping some of the nearby hens would come to take a drink.
Feathers strode over to inspect his find. "Good job," she said, lpeering at it again.
She took a lick and closed one eye. "Hmmm." Feathers glanced at Mockingbird, who was now stumbling around dizzily.
"I don't feel so well," Mockingbird admitted, slowly picking out a straight path towards the pair. "I think those coconuts have been out in the sun for too long." She sat down in the shade with an exaggerated gasp.
Feathers looked at Chameleon's coconut, and then at Chameleon. His coconut did taste a bit peculiar. "Does it taste ok to you? This one is fresher than Mockingbird, but if we get sick somehow, we'd lose more water. In a way you don't want to."
Feathers strode over to inspect his find. "Good job," she said, lpeering at it again.
She took a lick and closed one eye. "Hmmm." Feathers glanced at Mockingbird, who was now stumbling around dizzily.
"I don't feel so well," Mockingbird admitted, slowly picking out a straight path towards the pair. "I think those coconuts have been out in the sun for too long." She sat down in the shade with an exaggerated gasp.
Feathers looked at Chameleon's coconut, and then at Chameleon. His coconut did taste a bit peculiar. "Does it taste ok to you? This one is fresher than Mockingbird, but if we get sick somehow, we'd lose more water. In a way you don't want to."
He bent his head and took a small drink. "Yeah, a little." he admitted. He walked over to Mockingbird and asked "Do you feel sick?" He looked around, trying to find a spot with shade he could lead her to so that way she would be out of the sun and hopefully feel better. All that work for nothing He thought with a small twinge of exasperation. It's okay. I can find one that isn't bad. feeling better, he began to look for shady areas that had coconuts underneath them. If the coconuts were in the shade, surely they wouldn't be bad?
He bent his head and took a small drink. "Yeah, a little." he admitted. He walked over to Mockingbird and asked "Do you feel sick?" He looked around, trying to find a spot with shade he could lead her to so that way she would be out of the sun and hopefully feel better. All that work for nothing He thought with a small twinge of exasperation. It's okay. I can find one that isn't bad. feeling better, he began to look for shady areas that had coconuts underneath them. If the coconuts were in the shade, surely they wouldn't be bad?
"Do I?" Mockingbird asked. The attention at least gave her a bit of relief. She felt thirsty and sick.
"Come on, let's get you in the shade." He said, spotting a tree not too far away with coconuts lying in its shade. He slowly started walking towards it, turning his head every once in a while to see if she was following
Mockingbird begrudgingly lifted herself up and dragged herself after the rooster. In her blurry vision, his gaudy colors seemed unnecessarily bright, and they began to swirl together. When she plopped down, she began panting to stay cool. Hopefully if anything tried stalking her, Chameleon would somehow triple in size and self confidence and fend it off, because she really couldn't see another outcome where she would survive the ordeal. Mockingbird drifted off, taking one last glance at Chameleon's dazzling feathers.
Mockingbird begrudgingly lifted herself up and dragged herself after the rooster. In her blurry vision, his gaudy colors seemed unnecessarily bright, and they began to swirl together. When she plopped down, she began panting to stay cool. Hopefully if anything tried stalking her, Chameleon would somehow triple in size and self confidence and fend it off, because she really couldn't see another outcome where she would survive the ordeal. Mockingbird drifted off, taking one last glance at Chameleon's dazzling feathers.
He saw her fall asleep and he laid down nearby, starting to peck at another coconut. Did I do the right thing? He began to wonder as he rhythmically pecked the coconut. Should I have done something else? Maybe I should have brought her back the flock where everyone could watch over her. The thoughts pressed him down, and with each one he began to worry more and more

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