Fancy feathered breed show

These chickens are so stinkin' cute, I just want to squeeze them all! I THINK there's a possibility of a frizzle in the Serama eggs I have incubating right now. My life would finally be complete then! ;)
Me too. Now I just need a broody hen and some roosters that actually provide me with fertile eggs.
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:p me too, now I just need a broody hen and some roos that actually provide me with fertile eggs!!

I wish we were allowed roos in our area. People still have them. I can hear a few of them going off every morning. I love it. I had one years ago, but I had different neighbors who loved hearing him and gave me the "okay" to keep him. I guess I still could've gotten a fine... Anyway, maybe it's a good thing I can't breed my own. My chicken math is already bad enough! But... we are actually making an indoor coop for our Seramas. If I DID end up with an awesomely handsome and friendly roo from my currently incubating eggs, we MIGHT try to keep one. As long as he's inside during the "noise ordinance" hours... ??? IDK We are pretty close with our neighbors. Maybe I can bribe them with eggs. Lol
I wish we were allowed roos in our area. People still have them. I can hear a few of them going off every morning. I love it. I had one years ago, but I had different neighbors who loved hearing him and gave me the "okay" to keep him. I guess I still could've gotten a fine... Anyway, maybe it's a good thing I can't breed my own. My chicken math is already bad enough! But... we are actually making an indoor coop for our Seramas. If I DID end up with an awesomely handsome and friendly roo from my currently incubating eggs, we MIGHT try to keep one. As long as he's inside during the "noise ordinance" hours... ??? IDK We are pretty close with our neighbors. Maybe I can bribe them with eggs. Lol
Good idea.
My boys are really quiet, so I can barely hear them. I'm jealous of my neighbour---she has the cutest little bantam cock bird that you can hear all the way over here.
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:thumbsup that's a good idea!! LOL
mine are really quiet, which i don't like as I love roos crowing, I'm "jealous" of my neighbor who has a little banty roo I can hear all the way at my house! He's adorable!

Oh shoot. You mean it's NOT the smaller the roo, the smaller the crow? Because that's what I'm going to tell the neighbors. ;)
Well, bantam crows are easier to pass off as dying songbirds, but that's it, lol. Good luck!
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