Farm chatter

I like peeps.
I was really hoping this was a pullet, no :(

This one Im keeping:

Was hoping this one was a pullet too.

I probably won’t try keeping three roosters though.
Guess what?
Some people out by where we have our cows pastured also have cows close, and they've been having lots of deaths. For the first one, they thought it was a bear. Then they figured it was wolves. They lost more and more, and other people lost some too. One of the guys who lost some decided to stay up all night with his gun, and see what happened. It was four big, black dogs.

For some reason, he didn't shoot them. I love dogs, but if I had some that were killing my cows, I probably would've. He supposedly knows the people who own them, so hopefully he talks to them. I'm really glad they didn't mess with ours.
Well I had to rescue my guineas twice today, lol.. Last time I cleaned out their box I forgot to put the drain on the bottom so the water could drain out.. I'm so stupid. Last night we had a lot of rain, this morning when I get back from feeding the goats, I find all 6 of them lying the water barely alive. I brought them inside, then dried them with a hair dryer, and I put them under a heat lamp while I moved their box to where the drain was on the bottom. I put them back in the box with the parents, and 5 of them made it! The dad guinea goes to roost every night, and tonight three of the babies tried to go up with him, but they were trapped in the backyard in the grass, bc they can't fly. But I got them back with the mom, and so for now, I think they're going to be ok!
Guess what?
Some people out by where we have our cows pastured also have cows close, and they've been having lots of deaths. For the first one, they thought it was a bear. Then they figured it was wolves. They lost more and more, and other people lost some too. One of the guys who lost some decided to stay up all night with his gun, and see what happened. It was four big, black dogs.

For some reason, he didn't shoot them. I love dogs, but if I had some that were killing my cows, I probably would've. He supposedly knows the people who own them, so hopefully he talks to them. I'm really glad they didn't mess with ours.
We have electric fences for our goats bc all our neighbors have dogs.

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