Farm chatter

Ah -- making sure that a particular gene or trait is passed on or strengthened?
What's Jelly Bean? Was she an EE, or something, or am I thinking of someone else?
Jelly Bean is Mille Fleur D'uccle/OEGB X OEGB.
peach fuzz is not scary
tel that to odd :rolleyes:
math is great
using a trackpad is fine, and easier, because then you have both hands near the keyboard
i can just imagine throwing your finger across the touchpad(icallittaht) to pan your view
This is similar to what my goal is for the Emerald Dragon. Imagine it abit taller, with black skin, long fancy feathers, & hens that lays green eggs.
wow thats cool
the lion king gifs are totally ruining the meaning of the words :lol:
yeah, I called him and said "you know the one thing you told me not to do?"
hehe :lau

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